Top Fraudulent Pharmacy Interfaces

Online pharmacies and mail order drugstores have become famous in recent years thanks to the convenience and anonymity that they offer. In essence, you can buy any type of drug and order for new prescriptions or refills from the comfort of your home and have it delivered right at your doorstep.

However, everything is not as rosy as it looks. Scammers have infiltrated the industry and it is becoming extremely difficult to distinguish between genuine online drugstores and fake ones. In fact, the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) states that only 3% of online pharmacies are genuine!

With such shocking figures, it is imperative for regular online shoppers to carry out a comprehensive background check before buying meds from any pharmacy.

Here are some red flags from top fraudulent pharmacy interfaces that you should watch out for to make a clear distinction between a genuine pharmacy and a rogue drugstore.


Online Pharmacy
For example: 
Pharmacy Mall
For example:
Trust Pharmacy
For example:
European/Canadian Pharmacy Shop
For example: 
Canada Drugs
For example:


Unrealistic Prices

Fraudulent pharmacies normally offer drugs at prices that are too good to be true. Some claim to sell meds at prices 70% or 80% lower than your local, legitimate pharmacy. This brings up a lot of questions about the sources of these drugs, their quality and the legitimacy of these pharmacies. Always think twice before buying from these pharmacies.

very cheap meds


No Prescription Policy

According to drug laws, you require a prescription document from a licensed doctor to acquire prescription products. However, this is not the case with rogue pharmacies. These unscrupulous drugstores do not have a prescription policy, and you can buy any drug you want without the consent of a doctor.

Additionally, most scam sites sell generic ED medications only, sourced from countries such as India, Pakistan, China and Bangladesh.

not required


Unknown/Hidden Location

Scammers will never want to reveal their real location. For this reason, they utilize protection services to hide their identity, company details and location. These pharmacies normally operate from countries renowned for online fraud such as;

  • Lithuania
  • Bulgaria
  • Barbados
  • Albania
  • Russia
  • The Czech Republic

However, to hide their details, scammer normally deceives buyers that they operate from Canada or the USA.


Fictitious Business Name

Based on our experience, most rogue pharmacies use fictitious names such as Canada Pharmacy, and Best Canada Drugs.

However, in actual sense, they do not appear in the Canadian business registry either are they located in Canada. These names are just used to lure customers. Some even make false claims about the number of years they have been operating.



Illegal Affiliate Programs

Online PharmacyRogue drugstores usually have dozens of suspicious mirror websites that feature the same products, images, text and fake testimonials.

All these features mean that the drugstores belongTrust Pharmacy to illegal affiliate programs run by scammers. Some of the most notorious affiliate programs are “Online Pharmacy” and Trust Pharmacy.


Fake Testimonials

Fake drugstores do not provide avenues for posting comments. The interfaces do not have anywhere to leave customer feedback. You will always encounter seemingly copied testimonials that do not have a date of posting or name of the customer.



Fake Seals

It is very easy to be convinced when you see approval seals and certifications on a website. However, rogue pharmacies have a tendency of using fake seals which have not been approved by relevant regulatory agencies.




With the rising cases of online fraud and scams, always do your own, independent research before purchasing any meds online. Watch out for obvious tell-tale signs such as a suspicious interface, false testimonials, copied images, unrealistic prices, and hidden company details. This info will save you from incurring financial losses.

Furthermore, it will safeguard you from the risk of drug poisoning due to consuming counterfeit meds.

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