Revolutionizing Health Monitoring: The Rise of Smart Pills and Ingestible Sensors

common view

Over the last few years, technology has created new opportunities for healthcare improvements and the development of patient care systems. These include smart pills and ingestible sensors and they are considered to be revolutionary advancements in the field of health monitoring. Smart pills are designed to have sensors that help them take data readings within the body and relay this information to other servers in real time. While ingesting sensors are non-invasive and can help in diagnosing conditions from within the body. These devices are changing the way we look at health care and diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases and conditions and hence are changing the face of health care.

Read more…Revolutionizing Health Monitoring: The Rise of Smart Pills and Ingestible Sensors Reviews – Unfavorable Rating

common view is an online pharmacy website that is focused on improving the health of women and children in its community. They also have on standby, experienced consultants that are willing and ready to listen to your complaints. However, the nature of their business activities raises questions about their intentions; are they genuinely interested in improving our lives or potentially leaving us worse than they met us?

Read more… Reviews – Unfavorable Rating Reviews – Something Shady

common view is an online pharmacy that has attracted the attention of many people due to the availability of prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Given that people are using digital solutions for their healthcare issues, it is necessary to evaluate the legitimacy and credibility of online pharmacies. The objective of this review is to give a detailed description of and its products, services, prices, and credibility. Thus, by analyzing these aspects, potential customers can make the right decision regarding the further use of

Read more… Reviews – Something Shady Reviews – Medical Professionals

common view might sound like a pharmacy website dedicated to men only however, if you have thought like we did then you’re mistaken. They are unlike your traditional stores that sell drugs directly to patients. They are an online platform that helps connect patients with licensed medical professionals in all 50 States of America. Also, their subscribers span over a million with professional support in skin care, men’s health, hair care, and mental health.

Read more… Reviews – Medical Professionals

Early Asthma Warning Signs and When to See a Doctor


An asthma attack is a temporary severe asthmatic episode generated by the constriction of muscles surrounding the airways. This tightening is called bronchospasm; there are two types of asthma, so with emphysema, asthmatics have hyper-sensitive tubes. In asthma, during an attack, the nerve sensitivity and structure of the airway lining also change and thicker mucus than normal is produced. This results in bronchospasm and mucus, therefore developing symptoms of an asthma attack, which include difficulty in breathing, wheezing, coughing, short breathiness, etc, Restricted from any physical mobilization.

Read more…Early Asthma Warning Signs and When to See a Doctor Reviews – Red Flags


If you’re like us you will have noticed that most online pharmacies are now selling more generic drugs than brand-name drugs. Only a few of them are selling drugs that they produce through intensive research and are geared towards their special brand. However, our concern here is not to discuss the reasons why generic drugs are more popular than brand-name drugs, but to review for scams. We want to know if we can trust the pharmacy website for our daily medication needs.

Read more… Reviews – Red Flags Reviews – Great Deals

common view

One of the most annoying things men face with their partner is their inability to satisfy their woman’s sexual desire, most especially if they’re married to their partner. Also, statistics have it that 52% of men experience sexual health problems and that only 3 in 4 men with sexual health issues don’t get treated. However, in other to help the 52% of men battling one sexual disease or the other, was created to help men regain their dignity and take charge of their lives again. They are on a mission to make sexual health treatment affordable, accessible, and easy on their platform.

Read more… Reviews – Great Deals