Reviews – Scam in the Making

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From our thorough investigations, the domain name is ironical in every way. We’ve prepared a detailed review to show you why this online pharmacy is among the worst, if not the worst today.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2018-03-26
Owner Countryunknown
Contact Informationfake
Business Information
NameEuropharm Group Inc.
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Toll-NumberUS: +1-800-715-5341
EU: +44-203-318-5981
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Information

According to, was registered on 26th March 2018. This makes the domain just 7 months old which is relatively new. The domain information fits the profile of most rogue online pharmacies today, i.e., they tend to be less than a year old and also go through a lot of trouble hiding important domain information. Best meds online have used to conceal the identity of the persons who own the domain.

country and registration


Related and Mirror Sites

Our research also uncovered mirror sites that are identical to bestmedsonline24h in every way except the domain name. The sites include but aren’t limited to;

  • (Read here)
  • (Read here)
  • (Read here)

From our research and experience, we suggest you stay away from any online store that has mirror sites since such stores tend to be part of affiliate scams. No legit online store has related websites that are identical. We are convinced bestmedsonline24h is rogue and Scamadviser confirms our suspicions. Bestmedsonline has a low trust rating according to Scamadviser


Business Profile

As expected, the pharmacy doesn’t give a business name as is standard practice with legitimate online drugstores. As a result, it’s a daunting task trying to establish the people behind the pharmacy let alone the physical address.

What’s more shocking is the fact that the drugstore’s country of origin can’t be ascertained. According to Scamadviser, the probable origin of the website is 89% unknown. There is a chance that the website originates from Russia, a country notorious with rogue pharmacies.

may be from Russia


Regulatory Approval

Legitimate online pharmacies require regulatory approval for them to operate legally. LegitScript, CIPA, NABP and Pharmacy Checker are among the top online pharmacy regulators. Although bestmedsonline24h purports to be the best online pharmacy, it isn’t regulated by a single notable regulator.

In fact, LegitScript has labeled the pharmacy rogue meaning the pharmacy hasn’t met the minimum standards for verification. Although the pharmacy doesn’t imply approval directly by including seals of notable regulators on the homepage, lacking approval is as serious as implying regulation.

status: rogue



Bestmedsonline concentrates on sexual health enhancement drugs which are popular among rogue pharmacies because they are usually in high demand. What’s more – you don’t need a prescription to buy such drugs. Although the pharmacy has many other drugs on sale, we wouldn’t advise anyone to buy anything from this drugstore given the quality of drugs is “suspect”.



If you are solely interested in the best medication deals online, best meds online will “blow you away”. However, pricing shouldn’t be your #1 concern when buying medication. Since we don’t know who owns, the drugstore isn’t regulated, and the product quality is “suspect”, we recommend you ignore the attractive pricing (including the free pills) and consider more reputable online drugstores.


Payment and Deliveries

Like all rogue online stores, payment has been made as easy as possible. You can buy meds from the drugstore using all popular payment methods including Bitcoin. The shipping policy is also meant to lure unsuspecting customers given there is free express delivery for orders above $200. We recommend that you ignore the attractive payment and delivery terms since your chances of receiving what you pay for are very slim. Reviews

Social proof is crucial for any online store. Like most rogue online pharmacies, has a dedicated testimonials section meant to convince potential customers they are dealing with a legitimate drugstore. But we can’t be fooled by bestmedsonline24h testimonials since they are identical to those on mirror sites.


Legitimate online stores don’t copy testimonials. Furthermore, the drugstore doesn’t have a profile on renowned review website Trustpilot which is known to post legitimate testimonials from customers whose identity can be verified. We don’t need more evidence to disregard the testimonials posted on the website.



Avoid this drugstore at all costs for obvious reasons. First and foremost, the people behind the domain are unknown. They have even made it difficult to uncover their identity by using a domain privacy service and left out crucial information such as the pharmacy’s physical address. The drugstore also has identical mirror sites. Let’s not even consider the rogue status the pharmacy has on LegitScript or the fake reviews.

We are forced to rate this pharmacy 1 out of 5 stars.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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