Reviews – Security Fears

common view is an online pharmacy which claims to offer the World’s lowest prices and secure purchasing. Our investigation reveals some major issues with these claims.

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About Domain Name
Registration Date2012-08-27
Owner CountryRussia
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Available Products

This pharmacy store offers quite a good range of drugs, covering many different medical needs. Their best sellers are pills for men’s health issues, however.

Both brand-name pills and generic versions are available on this site. Unfortunately, it isn’t always made clear which drugs are generic versions, as they often use the brand name when they are promoting generic pills. This clearly isn’t a very transparent way to operate and it may be the case that the brand name pills are really generic as well. The low prices of brand versions may mean that they are actually counterfeit drugs.

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You can buy drugs on this site without a prescription and they state prominently that a doctor’s visit isn’t required.


Regulatory Approval

Regulatory associations exist to give the consumer protection from unscrupulous online pharmacies. They provide a standard of data protection and accountability, making sure the pharmacy is sticking to the rules for the country they operate in.

This website seems to be operated from Canada, based on the name of the site. As a Canadian online drugstore, they should be regulated by CIPA, the Canadian International Pharmacy Association. When checking on the CIPA site we find that they aren’t members. They, therefore, won’t have a real-world pharmacy there to oversee the dispensing of drugs.


When we run a check on them with LegitScript, we find that they have reviewed them and classify the site as ‘rogue’. This means that they believe the pharmacy is violating the regulations for dispensing and selling drugs online.



Business Information

The website may well have the word Canadian in the name, but that is the only reference on the site to a location. The name and address of the company aren’t featured anywhere on the site. This is not a great sign, after all, a legitimate company wouldn’t need to hide their contact details on their website. The best guess seems to be that this site is run from Russia.



Domain Name Information

The domain records tell us that this site has been around for a while. The name was registered in 2012 and the fact that the site is still in use would suggest to us that this is a more reliable pharmacy. Scam websites tend to not be around very long for obvious reasons.

They are hiding their contact details using a privacy service based in Russia.


Payment and Shipping

You can complete transactions on this site with credit cards, though this isn’t a great idea as the checkout page is not secure. They don’t have a site security certificate so your financial details could be intercepted by a third party when you enter your details here.

Your shipping options are airmail and a courier service with tracking. Airmail costs $10 and takes up to 21 days. The courier service is $30 with deliveries arriving in as little as 5 days. Free shipping is available for orders over $200. Reviews

Customer reviews are used by scam online pharmacies to trick people into having more trust in the site than they really should. So effective are customer feedback at doing this, that dubious pharmacies sometimes create fake testimonies.


This site contains an awful lot of customer reviews. They seem to have received ten, twenty, even thirty testimonials per day, every day. Right up until the January 17, when the comments stop. This is really strange and unbelievable for a small website like this one.

When we check the reviews found on the testimony page, we discover that this customer feedback is found on other websites as well. In fact, the same customer testimonials can be found on nearly 800 other web pages, this clearly isn’t good.



The issue with the lack of a security certificate is really a big problem with this site, and we have to mark them down accordingly. We award 2-stars to this site for that reason and the other problems uncovered. The fake reviews, lack of regulatory approval and the hidden owner details are other things wrong with this online pharmacy.

They have, however, been around since 2012 so they must be doing something right as scam sites tend not to last this long. Despite this longevity, we don’t recommend making a purchase here as your payment details could be compromised.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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