Reviews – Elaborate Scam

website interface is an online pharmacy dispensing and selling a large variety of generic and non-prescription medication. With low, appealing prices and two reliable shipping methods, you’d think you’ll never need another online pharmacy. Is this true? Find out in our review!

About Domain Name
Registration Date2012-08-24
Owner CountryCanada/US
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameCanadian Family Pharmacy
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Toll-Number+1 (864) 610-3116
+1 (289) 724-1850
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionfor orders more than $200

Company Origins And Certification is an online pharmacy doing business as of August 2009. Allegedly, this business is supposed to be Canadian-based, but there are multiple sources suggesting otherwise. Not only is this business based somewhere else, but there is a strong possibility that this business is involved in a much bigger scam operation.

Let’s start with the certification this business has on the website. If you look towards the bottom of the page, you’ll notice quite an impressive collection of seals that apparently gave their approval to this pharmacy to hold, dispense and sell medicine to customers. We have the American Red Cross, the CIPA, the American Pharmacists Association, the PharmacyChecker and Visa, respectively. Normally, when a company chooses to display a seal of approval/certification on their page, clicking on the seal will take you directly to that organization’s website.


These seals, however, don’t take you off of the website. In fact, they just lead you to the online pharmacy’s store-page. The licenses this pharmacy is presenting are fake. If you take a close look at them, you’ll notice the inevitable signs that they were written by someone with a poor command of the English language. To try and give the fake licenses more credibility, they tried and failed to copy the official Ontario College Of Pharmacists seal. Furthermore, none of these organizations seem to mention or acknowledge this pharmacy as a member, showing a very quick and dangerous sign of a scam.

not found


Business Information

When it comes to scam indicators, the business information is no better. They claim to have the main office on 343 Preston Street, in Ottawa. Then a branch office in the USA, an international orders department – and even a warehouse in India. A Google reverse image search quickly revealed that the buildings depicted on the website as headquarters and important departments are all fake. The photo of their ‘main office’ in Ottawa is really the CLLC – Ottawa’s college of English for Adults. Their old business address used to be 913 Montreal Road, Ottawa, ON.

First of all, there is no 913 on Montreal Road in Ottawa. The closest you can get is 919 Montreal Road, and this is the address to the Banc Sushi Restaurant. Now, second of all – if you went back to check the company’s licenses, you would find 913 Montreal Road, Ottawa, ON listed on the document.

They used their old headquarters address to try and make the license seem more legitimate.

Finally, the 2 phone numbers they offer on their website, both 864-610-3116 and 289-724-1850 link back to the World Pharmacy Store, another online pharmacy with a terrible credibility score.


Official Website

The website is pretty basic, and as we’ve learned from the fake licenses and approval seals, this website is not actually SSL secure. Other than that, the website seems to be linked to, or EvaPharmacy. They had to change their domain because of a large number of domain shutdowns, which terminated the original one back in 2008.

Also, the photo of the medical staff shown on the About Us page is just a stock photo picked up from the internet and doesn’t represent actual medical staff working for this company. The EvaPharmacy is a large connection of websites that all work together sell fake pharmaceuticals for affiliate sale commissions. This operation includes stealing credit card information and hosting multiple websites on hijacked domains.


Shipping and Delivery Methods

Much like the myriad of websites involved in this scam scheme, they offer 2 delivery methods. The cheaper one is the Registered Airmail and takes up to 21 days to deliver. The faster one is via USPS, but it is only available to customers in the USA. Shipping fees vary based on the location you are ordering to, and they do ship their product to most of the countries in the world. Reviews

There are no testimonials on the page left by the customers, but also no external reviews either. When it comes to praises or criticism, the business is short on reviews and has none to offer. There are quite a few other websites recognizing it as a scam operation and warning potential customers not to get trapped or scammed there.

article on pharmacychecker


Final Verdict

If you are looking for an honest, fair pharmacy that is going to sell you good quality meds and not steal your credit card information, you have nothing to look for here. This is nothing but a big scam, though you have to give credit to the creators for going the extra mile to make sure they can come up with fake licenses, seals and even images of their would-be offices. This pharmacy gets a 1-star rating. Even that is too good.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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