Reviews – Rather Controversial is an online pharmacy that sells several brand medicine and generic medicine to customers through their websites. They claim to have been in business since 2010 and sell both over-the-counter and prescription drugs. From their website, they claim that they sell high-quality drugs that are FDA approved. Also, they have a dedicated customer support service and ensures that all their clients are satisfied with quality answers to questions they raise.

Read more… Reviews – Rather Controversial Reviews – Difficult to Trust is an alleged online pharmacy that sells a variety of drugs through their website. They claim they are a leading website that sells medicines of high quality that are shipped from India. The pharmacy has all the characteristics of an illegitimate online company. Here is a descriptive review of the website.

Read more… Reviews – Difficult to Trust Reviews – Potential Threat

When you visit the first thing you notice is the logo which says “TrustPharmacy” and proclaims it to be world famous. This sounds alarmed bells right away. You would normally expect the logo to relate to the domain name. The fact that this isn’t the case here is the first indication of a potential problem with this online store. In this review, we delve deeper into the background of to see if they’re a scam website or if they are they legit.

Read more… Reviews – Potential Threat Reviews – Think Twice is marketed as a world-famous Canadian pharmacy. However, our investigations reveal that this pharmacy is “famous” for the wrong reasons. It purports to be legit with badges of notable online pharmacy regulators like the FDA. However, we’ve uncovered the pharmacy for the scam it is below.

Read more… Reviews – Think Twice