How to Save Money on Rx

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Everyone likes the idea of saving money, and with the costs of prescription medications as high as they are this is understandable. For example, the average US citizen spends $1,112 on prescription medicine every year. That is an amazing 44% higher than the next highest spending nation – Canada.

With the cost of medicine continually on the rise, we take a look at some of the best ways to save money on prescription medications. Follow our investigations to find out 2019 reviews trends.

Read more…How to Save Money on Rx

Canadian Pharmacies – Better Choice?

From rogue pharmacies to the distribution of counterfeit drugs, the healthcare industry in the USA has faced numerous challenges in recent times. The fact that the cost of meds has also escalated to unreachable levels does not help matters. With a broken insurance system, high unemployment rates and lack of enough financial support from the federal government, the cost of healthcare has seemingly become unaffordable for most Americans.

Read more…Canadian Pharmacies – Better Choice?