WebGenericPharmacyOnline24.com Reviews – Flouting Law

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WebGenericPharmacyOnline24.com is an online pharmacy site which bills itself as a “reliable medsupplier”. They claim everything on their website is 100% legal and in accordance with the law. We review this store only to find out that this isn’t the case and, instead, they are flouting the law.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2017-03-17
Owner CountryPoland
Contact Informationfake
Business Information
NameReliable Medsupplier
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

The domain name record for this store shows that their address was registered in 2017 using a Dutch registrar. Newer domain names like this one are a far greater risk of being a scam than sites which have been successfully operating for many years.

registered on 2017-03-17

We can also see that the owner of the store has chosen to use a domain name privacy service to make sure that their contact information isn’t available in the records. This is a commonly found problem with online scam pharmacies and something we don’t like to find.


Business Contact Details

This drugstore provides US and UK phone numbers but not an address. This lack of transparency is another common feature found with scam pharmacies and leaves us unable to be sure where the owner of this store is based.


Regulatory Approval

This pharmacy appears to have no regulatory approval for their operation. This means, that as a customer, that you are not dealing with a business which is operating in a way that will ensure that your personal data, both personal and financial, is kept safe. And this is just one of the problems when dealing with a pharmacy that follows no rules or laws in their operation.

LegitScript has looked into this pharmacy and their finding wasn’t favorable. They give this store the rating of ‘rogue’ considering them to be operating in violation of the law and the rules which exist to keep patients safe when ordering online.

a rogue internet pharmacy website


Medication Sold by this Pharmacy

men's health medsThis store is only selling generic medicine. They do say that the pills are manufactured in India, though they don’t provide any information as to where exactly they are either manufactured or dispensed from. This raises the fear that the pills will be of low-quality created in unhygienic circumstances to no pharmaceutical standards.

Further to this problem, is the fact that they don’t require a prescription whatever medication you are looking to purchase from this store. This is a frequent finding with scam pharmacies and one which puts people’s health at risk. You could order medication which is unsuitable for your medical condition or interacts with drugs you are already taking with disastrous effects.

They offer quite a range of treatments but the main focus and the best sellers seem to be men’s health pills. They even give away free men’s health pills with orders of 20 pills or more regardless of whether this is a suitable product for you.


Payment and Shipping

When using the checkout you are redirected to a different to enter your payment details and address. This is because the store operates as an affiliate for another unknown business. They accept payment by:

  • American Express
  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • JCB
  • Bitcoin

The shipping options provided by this pharmacy are courier, with tracking and international unregistered mail. The courier shipping method costs $30 with delivery in 5 to 9 business days. Unregistered mail costs $10 but delivery can take up to 21 business days. Free unregistered mail is available when you place an order of the value of $150 or more.


WebGenericPharmacyOnline24.com Reviews

This store has a page filled with around twenty WebGenericPharmacyOnline24.com reviews. While this may appear to be a positive finding, it isn’t. The customer testimonials found on this page are entirely fake and have been seen on other websites.

entirely fake reviews

Searching using a section of the text found in one of the testimonials shows that these same comments have been featured on many other websites as well. This makes it very clear that the testimonials are fake and used here to try to convince you that this store is reputable and trustworthy.

about 160 results



There are many problems with this online pharmacy. The lack of transparency regarding, not only who owns the store but also where the pills are dispensed from. They also have no regulation and are using fake testimonies to convince you that they will be reliable.

We believe you will have many complaints with this drugstore if you choose to use it. It is, therefore, our finding that we award just 1 star out of a possible five.





There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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