Reviews – Mixed Messages

pharmacy interface is a pharmacy which provides certified products and fast shipping from Europe. They provide a range of treatments dispatched using discreet packaging. Our review of this drugstore highlights that everything isn’t quite as it should be with this store, continue reading to learn more.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2016-11-09
Owner CountryRussia
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
Phone Numbersno
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionno

Domain Name Information

The domain information present in the records reveals to us that this business has been online since 2016. Older domains normally suggest a reputable business with more of a track record. A history of less than 3 years isn’t amazing but could indicate a better business than many we see.

work since 2016

The records also indicate that the owner of this site doesn’t want their real name and location known as they have chosen to use a privacy service. They have registered the domain name with a Russian registrar and this would lead us to conclude that they are most likely in Russia.


Business Contact Details

Despite this link to Russia, there is an address and business name on the site for a company in Mauritius.

live chat working hours and an address

We have seen the name ‘Allpay Ltd’ linked to other dubious online pharmacies in the past. The address doesn’t seem to link to a real location according to Google, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that this is a fake address, however.


Regulatory Approvals

This online pharmacy provides no details about them working in accordance with any regulations. They do say that their products are certified and provide a seal for that but fail to tell anyone who is certifying their pills.

Regulations exist to keep customers safe when ordering pills online and this store doesn’t seem to be following any of these important standards.

LegitScript has investigated this business and their findings aren’t very good. They consider the business to be a rogue organization which is operating outside of the rules and laws they should be sticking to, for the safe provision of meds to their customers.



Medication Offered

This store offers a fairly reasonable range of treatments. They say that they sell some very popular brand name pills as well as the more reasonably priced generic alternatives. The pharmacy offers pills for weight loss, pain control, antidepressants, women’s health and men’s health among others.

a wide range of meds

They say that the pills are dispatched from Europe but give no further information about where in the EU they are sent from. They also say that the drugs are manufactured in India and this could indicate that the drugs are of low quality or even fake and counterfeit.

The site makes no mention of the requirement to provide a prescription from a doctor in order to get the treatment you desire. This is another thing which shows that the store doesn’t have the safety of their customers as a priority.


Payment and Shipping

This store isn’t secure so entering your financial information is a risk which should be avoided. If you do take the risk, they will accept payment using:

  • Major credit cards
  • Bank transfer
  • Western Union

Shipping options available from this pharmacy are airmail or courier. Airmail will cost $39, though if you are ordering over 100 pills they will charge you double on what is already an expensive delivery charge. Delivery time is expected to be between 8 and 12 days.

The courier shipping method will cost you $70 and is expected to take 4 or 5 days. This option includes a tracking number. Reviews

may be fakeWe haven’t been able to locate any reviews on independent sites though there are a few featured on the pharmacy site. The problem with these is that they don’t give a balanced picture of the success of the service provided since they are chosen by the operators of the site.

It is difficult to be sure whether this is genuine customer feedback or not. Scam online pharmacies often use fake feedback to try to convince visitors that they offer a reliable service and we can’t be certain that this is real customer responses here.



The picture we have established the business which runs this pharmacy isn’t particularly great. There are doubts over the address and business name they give on the site. They also lack any regulation and don’t want anyone to know where the drugs are dispensed from, beyond indicating that it is somewhere in Europe.

Putting it all together we come to the conclusion that this is more likely to be a scam than not. We give them 2 stars from a maximum of 5.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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