Reviews – Suspicious Activity

common view is an online pharmacy which says they provide completely safe medicine at an affordable price. Are they really as safe as they claim or should you be more concerned? We look into this site and discover some things the owners would rather you not know.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2011-04-09
Owner CountryUK
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameAceso Universal Ltd.
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Toll-Number+1-800 -897-1053
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

The domain records reveal that this site has been around since 2011 and has been registered until, at least, 2023. This is really good and would normally suggest that this is more likely to be a legit online pharmacy rather than a scam.

registered on 2011-04-09

They have, however, chosen to use a privacy service to hide their real contact information.


Business Contact Details

The website gives two addresses and business names, one in the UK and one in Mauritius. The UK business name and address are of a genuine company correctly registered with the British Government.

active company status

This database entry gives us the names of the three directors of the company, and it shows that 2 of the 3 reside in India, not the UK as you might expect. The London address of this business also appears to be a residential address rather than proper offices, though we can’t be certain about this.

The business in Mauritius is operated by a different company called ‘First Island Trust Company Ltd.’ which seems to be a company and trust formations enterprise. This, therefore, isn’t a real operating location and is likely used so that the business can avoid paying tax.

Petal Universal Ltd.


Regulatory Approval

This online pharmacy claims to be a legit drugstore which follows the guidelines set by regulatory authorities worldwide. However, they show no evidence of this being true. They give an address in the UK on the site, so they should be abiding by the European rules for the distance selling of medication. They are clearly not following these rules, however, as they do not display the common distance selling logo.

A check with the UK Government agency responsible for the regulation of online pharmacies shows that this drugstore isn’t featured in their database. This would suggest that the site is operating illegally.

not found

Perhaps they would claim that they are operating under a different jurisdiction, though. This may explain the reason for the Mauritius address.


Payment and Shipping

You can buy medication from this site using only Visa and Mastercard. The site is secure, having the appropriate site certificate with additional protection from McAfee.

a valid certification

Free standard shipping is offered on all orders and you can expect delivery in around 21 days. Reviews

Customer testimonials can be a really great way to find out how well other people feel about an online pharmacy. It can reveal information the owners of the drugstore would rather you didn’t know about. Finding bad customer comments is very likely to put you off making a purchase with the online store. This is why it is common to find positive fake customer testimonials on scam online pharmacies.5 stars

The reviews found on this online pharmacy are as you might expect very positive. There are 6 pages of reviews dating back to 2011, though we have a suspicion that these reviews are fake. Independent sites are a more trustworthy source of reliable customer feedback. There is a Trustpilot page for this site. The SafeMeds4All page features 49 testimonials with an overall rating of ‘Excellent’.

This all seems really good until you take a look through the feedback. Some very strange coincidences appear to have taken place with these testimonials. For example, 32 of the 49 comments were posted on either the 3rd or 4th of September 2018, with only 2 commets posted before that date. The 2 reviews posted before then each give the store only 1-star, with nothing favorable to say.

1-star revie
1-star review

Every comment posted since the first 2 negative comments have been completely positive, giving them 5-stars. The representative from the pharmacy was also on Trustpilot on September 3, 2018, responding to the negative comments. It seems very clear that all of the testimonials since that date are fake.

One of these testimonials even claims to have been using the company for over 10 years, which can’t be true since the site is 7 years old.



This online drugstore is certainly doing something right, with proper site security, correct company details and free delivery. However, there are some issues which we can’t ignore. They have very clearly faked most of the reviews on Trustpilot, there seems to be no genuine regulation of the store and they seem to actually be based in India. This has led us to a rating of 3-stars out of five. You would probably be better off looking elsewhere for your online medical supplies.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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