Ostroms.com Reviews – Friendly Customer Service

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Ostroms.com is a pharmacy which claims to offer a personal service to their customers. They highlight their accurate dispensing of meds as well as their gift shop, as reasons to visit their store. We look at what is provided by this site to show if it meets the needs of potential customers.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2000-03-10
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameOstroms Drug&Gift
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: unverified
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionno

Domain Name Information

We can see from the domain name database that this pharmacy address has been registered since the year 2000. This is a long time for a pharmacy to have been in business and would suggest that this store is more likely to be a reputable and legit drugstore.

registered in 2000

There is also some information about who registered the domain. This tells us that the address belongs to “Ostrom Enterprises Inc” which is the sort of business name you would expect for this domain name. The record also reveals that they are based in the state of Washington, US.


Business Profile

The pharmacy provides its address on the main page of the site. This is given as Kenmore, Washington, USA, which matches up with the details in the domain name record.

When checking this address we can see that it is the genuine location of this pharmacy’s retail outlet. This shows that this is a legit business with a real store to support their online business.

This pharmacy has been operating in the local community since 1964, showing that this is likely to be a safe drugstore with a long and successful history behind them.


Regulatory Approvals

This is a pharmacy business based in Washington state and, therefore, they need to be registered with the Washington State Department of Health. Running a check on their database shows that this store is correctly registered and legal for where they are operating.

an active member

Despite this correct official regulation by the state department of health, LegitScript has the store classified as unverified. This means that they haven’t reviewed the pharmacy to see if they meet the standards of the organization.

status: unverified


Services Offered

The pharmacy doesn’t allow you to browse too many of their products on the site. This means that you aren’t able to make online purchases from this pharmacy site.

They do allow you to request prescription refills online and other services offered by the drugstore include:

  • Compounding
  • Immunization
  • Over the counter drugs
  • Discount men’s health pills
  • Gift shop

This is a wider range of products and services than are normally found with online pharmacies and this business does bill itself as the local area’s best gift store.


Healthcare App

mobile appThis pharmacy has an app to help customers more easily use their services. The app allows customers to:

  • Order refills
  • Transfer prescriptions
  • Get information about prescriptions
  • Get directions to the store

The app is called RxLocal and it allows independent pharmacies to have an app for their customers. The app only has a fairly average rating on both the Google and Apple stores of 3.3 and 3.4 out of five. People have some issues with the limited functions available with the app and this seems to be the main reason for the average ratings.


Payment and Shipping

This drugstore doesn’t offer shipping options or online purchases. You are able to order refills with the pharmacy online, but you will have to visit the store to pay for and collect them. They do offer a drive-thru to get your meds without leaving your vehicle.


Ostroms.com Reviews

Finding a lot of great customer feedback will give a positive impression of the online pharmacy. Unfortunately, these aren’t always genuine, but the testimonials found for this store do appear to be from real customers.


The Ostroms.com reviews found on Google give a good view of the store. They have an overall rating of 4.7 out of 5 and customers seem particularly happy with the customer service they have received from the friendly staff working in the pharmacy.



We have found that this pharmacy seems to be offering a safe and effective service to their customers. Their great feedback proves this. They are correctly regulated for where they operate this store and they have been in business for a long time.

The only downside with this pharmacy is that you aren’t able to order most things online. They will only serve customers in the local area and so we give them 4 stars out of five.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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