Reviews – Offering Good Support

main page is a pharmacy that, as the name would suggest, specializes in men’s health. They say that they work with healthcare providers to make sure their customers get the most effective treatment to ensure success. We review what this pharmacy has to offer to try to uncover if they are providing a service which you can trust to get effective medical help.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2002-09-18
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameMen MD
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the database
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

A look at the domain name records shows that this store’s address has been registered since 2002. This would normally show that the pharmacy is more likely to be a legit enterprise.

registered in 2002

What isn’t as good to see is that they are using domain name privacy so that their contact details don’t appear in the records. This is frequently something found with the registration of unreliable, fly-by-night pharmacies, so not a great thing to find here.


Business Contact Details

The name of the business is given as “MedMD, Inc.” and though an address for the business is difficult to find, it is hidden in the terms and conditions. They give their address as St. Petersburg, Florida and when checking this address it does appear to be a real office location though we are unable to be completely sure they are based there.

seems to be legit


Regulatory Approvals

This pharmacy site operates through a number of retail partners. They say that these pharmacies they have partnered with are fully accredited and offer a high-quality service.


These stores are located all over the US and full details aren’t provided on this site. We are, therefore, completely unable to verify that what they are saying is true, though we have found no indication that there is a problem here.


Services Offered

The business is completely focused on supplying men’s health products from their stores. They offer a more comprehensive range of treatments than we normally see for this section of the medical market, these include:

Sildenafil, Tadafil

  • Herbal treatments
  • Gels
  • Injection therapy
  • Vacuum devices
  • Implants

They also allow you to shop for related products and refill prescriptions online. They assign patient service coordinators to each customer to provide advice and help with the ordering process.


Prescription Requirements

You will need a valid prescription when looking to purchase from this pharmacy site. They say that they need your healthcare provider to supply the prescription to them directly.

One of their patient service coordinators will then call you to discuss your case and your options for treatment. Once this has been decided upon, they will transfer the prescription to one of their pharmacy partners in your state. They use pharmacies near to you so that everything remains legal since different states often have their own rules regarding prescription drugs.

The pharmacy will dispatch the medication to you in discreet packaging. You will get a follow-up call from a service coordinator to make sure things are going as expected with your treatment.


Payment and Shipping

Payment for your treatments isn’t taken on the site. Instead, you will be given payment options when contacted by a patient service coordinator.

Shipping is free in some situations from this pharmacy. You can qualify for free shipping for all products when you join their AutoFill program. Reviews

This store offers up some customer testimonials on their home page. This feedback is displayed on the site to show that they are legit and encourage more people to sign up and purchase with the business.

The reviews found on the home page are all very positive to the store as you would imagine. After all, they aren’t going to post anything which is negative. The comments appear to be from genuine customers and healthcare providers who have experienced good customer service from the store.


It would be better to find testimonials but we haven’t been unable to find any.



We have found that this pharmacy appears to be operating a safe and reliable business. We haven’t been able to uncover any major problems with the service they offer and they seem to provide good support to their customers.

There are some issues with transparency of supply and the costs involved in placing orders with this website. We give this pharmacy 4 stars.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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