OptumRx.com Reviews – Customer Service Failings

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OptumRx.com is a pharmacy benefit management company which prides itself in providing cost savings to its members. They say that they offer outstanding customer service and are the largest integrated health service provider in the world. We take a look to find out if they live up to their claims of a great pharmacy service.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2011-01-28
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameOptum Rx
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: legitimate
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

The details of the domain registration found within the Whois database reveal that this address was registered in 2011. Pharmacies which have been operated for longer time periods tend to be more reliable and legit than stores which are newly registered.

registered in 2011

The database also gives us information about the business which registered the site. In this case, it says UnitedHealth Group Incorporated and gives an address in Minnetonka, Minnesota, US.


Business Contact Details

When checking the address and business name found in the domain name database we discover that UnitedHealth is the largest employer in the city of Minnetonka, employing some 4,400 people.

On the pharmacy site itself they give a different address for their corporate headquarters, however. They provide an address in Irvine, California, US. When checking this address we can see that it is the genuine business offices of the business.


Regulatory Approvals

This is a US-based pharmacy and as such, they should be regulated by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. NABP has a number of different programs in order to regulate pharmacies in the US. There is a seal for NABP’s VIPPS program on the home page of this pharmacy site. When we check the VIPPS database we can see that this is a genuine and valid regulatory approval.


They also have seals from URAC and NCQA. Checking with these associations shows that they are indeed correctly registered with them as well.

full accreditation

LegitScript has reviewed this website business and their finding is very good for the pharmacy. They give them the rating of ‘legitimate’ which is the best rating they can be given and shows that this is a safe pharmacy business to work with.



Services Offered

Optum Rx is a pharmacy benefit manager which bills itself as more than normal PBMs. They call themselves a pharmacy care services company which goes further to reduce your costs and produce better medical outcomes for patients.

The site allows members to search and compare drug prices to get a better deal. They give members an identity card to enable them to claim cheaper prices at pharmacy stores.

They also operate their own pharmacy which provides a delivery service to members. The portal categorizes medicines priced in three different tiers to simplify the service.


Pharmacy App

For convenience, an app has been provided which should make dealing with your meds easier. You can

  • order refills
  • find more information on the pills you take
  • transfer prescriptions
  • compare prices
  • find a pharmacy which is part of the network and reviews your orders

for refilling prescription


Payment and Shipping

This store is secure and they will take payment from you by credit card or check.

Standard shipping is free from this pharmacy. They do have options for faster shipping if you need it, these include 2 business days at a cost of $6 and next business day costing $12.50.

Your first delivery could take 4 to 5 business days for them to process and deliver. The reason for this is because they need to talk to your doctor and get the prescription to dispense your pills. They advise that you can speed up this process by notifying your doctor that you would like to have your prescription sent to Optum Rx.


OptumRx.com Reviews

3 starsThere are plenty of OptumRx.com reviews to be found on a number of different independent sites online. One of these is the ConsumerAffairs site which has over 1600 customer comments. The overall picture shown in this feedback isn’t particularly great, however.

While the overall rating is just over 3 out of 5, there are a lot of 1-star customer reviews. In fact, all of the recent comments stretching back for weeks, are just a wall of 1-star reviews.

Many people are currently having issues with the quality of customer support, finding many reasons to report complaints with the service.




This would appear to be a safe and legit pharmacy benefit service. They have all the correct regulation and are backed by a larger healthcare business.

The big downside that we have discovered about this business is the rather disappointing customer support as shown in the testimonials. We give this pharmacy service 4 stars out of 5.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

6 thoughts on “OptumRx.com Reviews – Customer Service Failings

  1. I HATE optumrx. I have 1, one, uno, einz prescription with them and they mess it up more often than they get it right. THEY SUCK!!!!! 1 recurring prescription for birth control and they can’t get it right. I am FORCED via my insurance to use them. This is not how the free market works this is socialism. I pay out the butt for it thru optum while when I was allowed to get it from my Walgreen’s 0.5 miles away from me it was MUCH less. The stories of phone calls and the hours spent would fill a small book. United healthcare is not doing their clients any favors by using them.

  2. I am trying to contact a person….and can only get a machine. I have had calls three days with a request to call back about a pharmacy review= for my husbands medications. I call back…and get a machine that says it does not recognize the number called from….which was less than an hour after the original call. I want to get a hold of someone who can take my husband’s name off the list of those who need to have their medications reviewed. He has been in an Assisted Living facility since Nov. 2017…and it is rediculous to keep calling to talk to him at this number. I have told the pharmacists this several times. Please give me a name, an address so I can write a letter to this effect. I have tried at least 4 our your numbers…and they are all answered by machines, not people. I am getting very frustrated.

    • Thank you for your comment! We have no connection to this pharmacy because we are an independent review service. However, there is contact info on Optum Rx. Try to use their email (reportrxfraud@optum.com) or mail address (OptumRx, PO Box 509075, San Diego, CA 92150-9075).

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