Reviews – Impossible Feedback

pharmacy interface is a pharmacy specializing in selling nootropics. They claim to be based in the US and appear to have a page full of happy customer comments. However, our review of this store proves that not everything is as good as it first appears.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2018-11-01
Owner CountryPanama
Contact Informationno
Business Information
NameBuy Armodafinil
Phone Numbersno
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionno

Domain Name Information

The domain name record for this store shows that the address was registered only a short time ago. This can increase suspicions that the pharmacy may not be as legit as we would like. We have noticed a common pattern with scam pharmacies of not being around for very long, so short registrations aren’t normally a good find.

registered in 2018

Also found in the record, we can see that they are using a privacy service to hide details of ownership. This something else which is frequently found with scam stores.

It isn’t all bad, however, the domain has a long time until it needs to be renewed. The owner of the store has registered the domain for another 5 years, which suggests that they expect to be around for a long time with this business.


Business Contact Details

This store claims to be an American run vendor but fails to provide a business address in the US. This follows on from the lack of transparency found in the domain name records and isn’t really a good thing to discover.


Regulatory Approvals

What might be of further concern, is the lack of regulatory seals found on this store. They don’t have anything to suggest that they are operating with rules to keep patients safe.


A look at the LegitScript site doesn’t help our view on this, with them giving the pharmacy their lowest rating of a rogue internet drugstore. This suggests that the store isn’t operating within the law for the countries they sell their products to.


Products Offered

This pharmacy specializes in selling the nootropics Modafinil and Armodafinil. These are drugs which act as stimulants, reducing fatigue and improving mental abilities. The pills they offer are generic versions which are dispatched from India, Singapore, Canada and the UK.

Vilafinil 200mg and Modalert 200mg

They say that these generic pills are manufactured in India by Sun Pharma and HAB Pharmaceuticals. It is good to know where the pills are manufactured, though we are unable to confirm that this information is correct.


Prescription Requirements

In many countries, the US, the UK and Australia included, the drugs they sell are required to be covered by a prescription. However, this store makes no mention of the need for a prescription to order the pills that you want. They also fail to provide any information about where the meds are dispensed, giving no information about the pharmacies involved in the order processing.


Payment and Shipping

The drugstore is secure and payments can be made using:

  • Credit card
  • Bitcoin
  • Amazon gift cards

Shipping is free unless you are in the EU. Shipping to European countries is charged at $9, they charge this due to more expensive costs in the EU this despite them dispatching from the UK. Delivery times are 7 to 14 days for the US and Europe, elsewhere expect delivery in up to 21 days. They do provide tracking for your order. Reviews

The site features a page which contains 13 reviews. This feedback is highly positive of the business and would suggest that this is a good place to purchase from, if they were genuine, however.

looks genuine

There are two main reasons why we believe these to be fake customer testimonials. Firstly, 7 of the 13 testimonials were written in the first month of the business being operated. The earliest of these was created the day after the domain name was registered. This is completely impossible, there is no way in which the customer could have received their pills the day after the site was created.

posted too early

The domain was registered on 11/01/18 with the first review posted on 11/02/18.

If that wasn’t enough the comments seem rather too good to be true. They come across as very keen to promote the business, with reports of fast delivery and quality products. There are also a number of similarities between the comments indicating that they have likely been written by the same person.



There are some good things about this online pharmacy, unfortunately, the bad outweighs the good here. Though the site is fairly new they are registered for over five years, which suggests that they expect to be around for a long time. They don’t have any regulation, though, and their testimonials are clearly fake.

While they may claim to be based in the US, we have found nothing to confirm this is really the case. We give this store a final rating of 2 stars out of five.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

4 thoughts on “ Reviews – Impossible Feedback

  1. They said they ship from within the EU to Europe. They lied and the don’t. Package was sent from Asia. So EU customs seized the package because there was no documentation. Package sat in customs for a month and then opened the package to assess value. Oops. Now I’m facing a huge fine and jail time. What an awful company. Avoid at all costs.

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