Reviews – A Very Long History

common view is an online medical store which claims to have been in business since 1972. Their store offers a range of medical supplies and equipment and they claim to save their customers thousands of dollars each year. We look into this business to find out if they are really reputable as they claim.

About Domain Name
Registration Date1999-10-15
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameEmergency Medical Products, Inc.
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the base
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

The domain name record for this site address shows that they have been using this .com for a very long time. The site name was registered in 1999 and this is clearly the very good thing to find. It would be hard to believe a scam online store being around for 20 years without them being shut down by the authorities.

registered on 1999-10-15

Another good thing to find is that the correct business name and address are also used in the record to register the domain.

It is common to find that a privacy service has been used by stores which are trying to rip off customers. A website address and real contact information found in the record are good indications that this is a safe and legit business.


Business Contact Details

3 addressesIt is great to find the business name and address on the store’s contact page, and in this case, they provide three addresses.

The first address they provide seems to be the main operating location. There are two other businesses listed as operating from that address as well (Sarnova Inc. and Bound Tree Medical), these companies also sell medical supplies and are probably part of the same group.


Regulatory Approval

This business shows a seal from the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. The seal shows that they are part of the Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributors program. A check on NABP’s database shows that they are correctly registered as they claim.

The VAWD program certifies wholesale distributors to make sure that counterfeit drugs don’t enter the supply chain and protect public health.


Products Offered

This isn’t the typical type of online pharmacy we normally find. This store specializes in EMS medical supplies and EMT or paramedic equipment.

They sell everything EMS might require from diagnostic medical equipment to defibrillators and disposable gloves. They even sell human anatomical models, manikins, which are used to train medical professionals in various tasks. As well as that they also sell drugs for a wide range of medical issues.

Zanfel, Pac-Kit Sting Relief Wipes, etc.

It is possible to order prescription medication from this company, but they do require forms to be printed out and signed by the appropriate people.


Loyalty Program

rewards programThis store offers a loyalty program to encourage customers to continue to place orders with them. You can earn points for every dollar you spend with them. You get a $10 credit for every 500 points you accumulate.


Payment and Shipping

In order to make a purchase at this supplier, you will need to register with them. As this company is a wholesaler they will bill you for the products you order and expect you to pay the invoice within 30 days of issue.

Shipping is free on orders over the value of $175. Orders below that amount have to pay a $10.50 shipping fee. They only ship to the US and Canada.

There is also an additional fee when ordering narcotics of $10.50. They say this fee is due to the increased regulatory procedures they have to deal with. Reviews

There are quite a few reviews to be found online in different places. On Facebook, nine people have given their opinions, with an overall rating of just 2.6 out of five.



There are certainly some unhappy people on Facebook, though it isn’t all bad and they do have people giving them top marks as well. The customer feedback found on Google is much better, with a small number of highly positive comments found.


This difference of opinion found in the testimonials doesn’t seem to suggest that the service offered by Emergency Medical Products is not safe. Instead, it rather shows that they have had some problems with their customer service.



EMP is a business which has been operating since 1972 and as such is certainly a legit business. They have the correct regulation in place to ensure patients are kept safe with the products they wholesale. The loyalty program is a nice feature to find as well and they are open about their business location.

The only downside with this business is the mixed feedback customers have given. We award Emergency Medical Products 4 stars out 5.




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