Reviews – Don’t Take the Risk is an online pharmacy which claims to offer top quality discount medications. They also claim to offer safe transactions. We investigate this drugstore operation only to find that these claims are entirely false. Don’t shop at this store before reading our review.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2015-07-14
Owner CountryRussia
Contact Informationno
Business Information
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

The information about this domain name found in the records shows this site address was created in 2015 and expires later this year. Scam online pharmacies often follow the pattern of short-lived domain names which are only renewed one year at a time. This store’s domain does fall into the category of a fairly new address so this could be part of the pattern.

We can also find some details of ownership in the record for this domain. This is normally a good thing to find and is far better than what is frequently found with scam pharmacies. People which operate rip off sites frequently use a privacy service to hide their information, but not in this case.

The registrant details reveal that the owner of this store is a person from Moscow, Russia. This is an issue, as Russia is considered a high-risk location for an online pharmacy due to the levels of fraud associated with this country.


Business Contact Details

We may have found a link to Russia in the domain name record, but when we look on this drugstore we are unable to find any information about the business behind it. This is clearly not a good thing to find. If you have a problem with the store it makes your options very limited.


Regulatory Approval

This online drugstore doesn’t provide any evidence to suggest they have regulatory approval. Regulatory associations and government agencies provide a much greater level of safety for patients when ordering medication online. Unfortunately, this store has no such oversight of their operation.

When checking with LegitScript we find another problem. LegitScript considers this to be a rogue online pharmacy, not adhering to the rules and legislation that they should be to operate their business.


Medications Sold

This store seems to be mainly positioned for the selling of men’s health pills. Their entire homepage only shows this type of drug. They do offer other treatments and only seem to sell generic pills.

The store doesn’t care to mention where the drugs are manufactured or even where they are dispensed from. This is a big concern and will very likely see you receiving fake or counterfeit medication if you were foolish enough to place an order.

Site Security

This store features a logo at the very bottom of their page for Digicert. Digicert is a US-based business which provides SSL security certificates to websites. A security certificate ensures that your viewing of a website and entering information in a form on that site can’t be monitored by a third party.

With a logo like this, you should be able to click on it to verify it is valid. You are not able to click this logo. Also, the store’s pages don’t have any security as you would expect if this logo was genuine. The only assumption we can make from this is that the use of this logo is fraudulent.


Medical Statement

The store asks you to fill in a medical questionnaire when you try to place an order. This is done to make it seem like they operating in a professional manner, however, we entered made up information and were still allowed to buy pills.

As previously mentioned, this store isn’t secure and you are entering private information which can be seen by anyone. The same problem exists when entering your name and address as well as your payment information.

It could be a very costly mistake to give your details to this site.


Payment and Shipping

Payment can be made by either Visa or Mastercard. Do not enter your credit card information on this store, it is not secure and your details may be stolen!

You have three options when ordering from this store. Airmail will take 12 to 22 business and is free. They also have two types of express mail, one costs $20 with your package arriving in 7 to 17 business days, the other express service costs $30 with delivery in 3 to 6 days. They add a shipping insurance charge of $10, even though elsewhere on the site they say they reship for free. Reviews

We haven’t been able to find any reviews anywhere. For a store which has been around for 4 years, this is a surprise and a disappointment.



This online pharmacy is a dangerous place, not only are you risking your personal and financial data when using the site, but there is a great risk of fake medication if you make a purchase. Don’t take the risk. We award just 1 star to this rogue pharmacy.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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