Reviews – Lost Orders is an online pharmacy for customers searching for products with hormone boost and muscle system growth. They offer both human hormone boost growth and anabolic drugs. The products are claimed by this drugstore to be very high quality purchased from top pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Euro Hormones. Asia Pharma and Organon etc.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2009-06-03
Owner Countryhidden
Contact Informationhidden
Business Information
Phone Numbershidden
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionno


This site offers a broad range of products which have a lot of mixed reviews, most being negative ones, as customers feedback usually range between getting products that don’t do what they are meant to do or have serious side effects. Some of the product categories include antibiotics, weight loss etc. However, regardless of the number of product categories available, there are a lot of negative reviews. With some customers complaining about damaged products and since the company has a policy of customers responsible for products after purchase, refunds are impossible.



This drugstore is licensed and registered for safe processing. What this entails is that every business transaction is carried out in a secure and safe environment based on their claims. Regardless of this safety, it is vital to state that there are a lot of complaints about this website and its delivery process, so asides from providing you with a secure site it is necessary that whatever you pay for online must have the guarantee of its working.

This online pharmacy got a trust score of 0% from, which means the site isn’t reliable. However, it has been running for over a decade. This is a very long time for a website to be in existence.



Payments on this site are made through bank wiring, direct bank transfers, and money transfer. When using the money transfer option you receive wire information once your order is made. This online pharmacy offers a discount of 5% for all purchases made with money transfer exclusive of other discounts. The discount is valid for orders about 200 euros.


Shipping Process

Shipping is done worldwide for all their products and they claim that all products are packaged with precaution and care. However, this is certainly not the case with customers feedback of terrible packaging and damaged products occurring frequently. They also claim never to send large packages that could arouse suspicion and “divide” the package into two if it’s too large, which increases the cost of your shipping.

The products according to the pharmacies website are shipped from various European nations with a shipping cost of 14 euros to any country in the world. The delivery time for products within the European Union is just 7 days and 8 to 15 days for the United States of America and other countries. If the order is made through money transfer they offer shipment through P.O box.


Discounts offers a lot of discounts for customers, such as a purchase of Humantropin vials gives you a discount of 17 %, also when you make an order of 15 amps of Deca Durabolin with a 24% discount. There are other drugs that you get a discount on most brig 17%. The site promises to aid customers to save money through its numerous offers. Reviews

The website doesn’t have any reviews or testimonials. External resources don’t include them, too. For the website with a so long life, it looks suspicious. However, we’ve managed to find a post in a forum with a complaint.


Conclusion may be certificate legit by scam adviser in terms of website details and ownership. This online drugstore has been on the scene for quite some time but doesn’t seem to value customer complaints regarding product delivery and take their hands off a product once a purchase has been made. They certainly give off a scam vibe with such moves and are definitely not a recommended source of you to purchase your drugs online.

The website also states as parts of its conditions of use that they can only guarantee successful deliveries if medical prescriptions are sent to them. However, there is no way for this online pharmacy to verify that the prescriptions being sent to them are written by real doctors. This further raises questions about this website. Finally, they claim they offer resends but only for packages that were not opened up or tampered with, then another package will be sent completely free of shipping cost. These are all shady claims which customer feedback constantly speak about in a negative light.

The Rating is 1 out of 5 stars.




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