Reviews – Some Doubts

common view is an online pharmacy that claims to have been in business since 2007. They provide some information to show that they are reliable, but are they really? Our look at their store, however, raises some doubts.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2018-04-02
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameYour Tramadol
Phone Numbersno
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

Checking the domain name details for this pharmacy store reveals some interesting information. It shows us that the pharmacy has been around for just a couple of years, and the domain has been registered using a Russian company.

registered in 2018

There is some contact information for the person that owns this pharmacy. This shows that they are located in Fort Worth, Texas and that they are a private person. This is unusual because we would expect a company domain name to be registered to a business and not an individual.


Business Contact Details

There is an address given for the pharmacy on their website, however, it isn’t in Texas as we might have imagined. Instead, they give an address in Pennsylvania.

When we investigate the address they give, we don’t find what we expect to. Rather than finding a pharmacy, or even an office, instead, we find a bank.

likely fake

Unless we have made some mistake here, or they have made a mistake, this appears to be a fake address. Though, it isn’t completely impossible that the bank has moved away from this address and the information we are looking at is out of date. But it doesn’t look good.

many mistakes

The information given on this website indicates that the owner is unlikely to actually be located in the United States. Trying to read through some of the information found on the about us page, for example, indicates that the owner of this store doesn’t use English as a first language.


Regulatory Approvals

All pharmacies based in the United States of America that are selling medications online need to be part of the VIPPS program that is operated by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. However, they do not display the seal for this organization on their store.

This shows us that this pharmacy is not operating legally for a business that is located in the USA. The general feel of this website suggests that this is not actually a US business as they want you to believe. Since we know that one of the addresses they are using appears to be fake, we don’t really know where this business is operated from.


LegitScript also believes them to be a scam.


Products Sold

This pharmacy is only selling one type of medical product, as the name of the pharmacy suggests, you won’t be surprised to learn that this is Tramadol. The site offers four different tramadol options, including pills from India, the United States, and Europe.


The Tramadol pills from India are generic, while the others are brand names. The prices on the store aren’t particularly competitive, however.


Prescription Requirements

There are significant risks to taking Tramadol. While the pill is often used for pain relief, there is a significant risk of addiction and misuse. For these reasons, it is understandable that this medication requires a prescription.

The pharmacy, for its part, does say that you will need a valid prescription to order pills from the store. Whether they actually stick to this, however, is only something that could be found out when ordering.


Payment and Shipping

The pages on this pharmacy site are secure and you can pay through the following options:

  • Echeck
  • Western Union
  • Mastercard

Shipping options for this store will cost you either $40 or $50. Shipping is free when you order more than 160 pills, however. Reviews

They do display some customer feedback and reviews on the site. And their customer feedback seems to suggest that this company offers a great service to patrons.


However, the feedback we find this seems almost too good to be true. This could be an indication that the customer feedback isn’t actually genuine. This is a common problem with scam online pharmacies, and we can’t rule it out here.

The occupation of their customers is given, and this is something we wouldn’t normally expect to know. This could be an indication that the reviews aren’t genuine.



While this drugstore is clearly doing a few things correctly, we have some doubts. We fear that they are using fake business details that means we don’t really know who is operating this store.

Their lack of regulation means that we can only give them 2 stars out of 5.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

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