XanaxOnlineForSale.com Reviews – Illegal Operation

common view

XanaxOnlineForSale.com is a pharmacy which boasts of being the most trusted and not requiring prescriptions for the drugs you want to order. This information didn’t fill us with confidence, and what we discovered when reviewing the site confirmed our fears.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2018-03-12
Owner CountryChina
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameXanax Online for Sale
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionno

Domain Name Information

The website address for this pharmacy was registered in 2018 and this isn’t long for a drugstore to have been in business. This could increase the chances of this store being a scam enterprise in our experience.

registered in 2018

The pharmacy is using a domain privacy service so that their real contact information isn’t found in the records. This is also often associated with scam pharmacies, but this isn’t definitive. The store is using a Chinese domain business to register their address.

The domain name also contains a brand name which is owned by Pfizer and could be taken away from them at any time. Big pharmaceuticals don’t normally allow their brand names to be used by sites like this, so it could disappear overnight.


Business Contact Details

fake addressThe pharmacy provides a business address in the footer of the site. This tells us that they are based in Los Angeles, California, USA.

When we run a check on this address, however, we can’t find the street they give. We are unable to find any genuine online mentions of this street either, so it appears to be a fake address.

not found


Related Pharmacy

This pharmacy has a related store that appears to be operated by the same people. This other pharmacy is called BuyXanaxOnlineBars.com.

the same layout

Not only is this other store selling the same products, but there are many other unusual similarities which make it certain that these stores are owned by the same business. This pharmacy gives a different address to XanaxOnlineForSale.com, though this doesn’t appear to be a genuine business address either.

the same address

A check on the address does show this as a real address but it seems to be a residential location.


Regulatory Approvals

For a business which claims to be operating in the US, they should have regulatory approval from NABP through their VIPPS program for online pharmacies. This store doesn’t have any such approval, however.


Confirming this finding is the organization LegitScript. They have looked into the store and find them to be in violation of the rule that they need to follow in order to be legal.


Medications on Sale

This store is mostly selling pain and anxiety medications like:

  • Xanax
  • Oxycodone
  • Valium
  • Ambien

They also offer some men’s health drugs and they say their pills are dispatched from the US and other western countries. Their products may well be dispatched from the US but that doesn’t mean that they are manufactured in the US or that they are safe to take.

different types of meds

The pills could be of a low-quality which could do you harm or not provide the medical help they promise.

The site boasts that you can buy their pills without a prescription. The problem with this is that you should use a prescription to buy the pills they offer as this is a legal requirement. This is done to keep people safe when buying pills which can do harm or cause addiction, as with the drugs offered on this store.


Payment and Shipping

The pages within the site are secure and they allow you to pay with the following methods:

  • Major credit cards
  • Paypal
  • Western Union
  • Bank transfer

They charge you 15 percent extra for credit card payment, however, and give you a 10 percent discount on Western Union.

Shipping is charged at a flat rate of $50 per order. They may ship from within your country if you live in the US and some other countries.


XanaxOnlineForSale.com Reviews

This store is collecting XanaxOnlineForSale.com reviews on Trustpilot. Most of the customer feedback is good towards the pharmacy, particularly highlighting the help offered by the owner or customer support who is named “LeBron”.

may be fake

One of the testimonials suggests that the drugs aren’t of good quality, indicating that it made them sick. This could show that the drugs being sold are low-quality fake pills that don’t contain the ingredients they claim.

The related pharmacy BuyXanaxOnlineBars also uses Trustpilot and the name “LeBron” also shows up there, confirming they are operated by the same people.



We can only award 1 star to this pharmacy as they are using a fake address, the pills may be of a low-quality and they are selling those pills illegally without prescription. While they do have some good customer feedback which appears genuine, this feedback has also highlighted the problems with the pills they sell.

We cannot be sure that they are selling medications that won’t do you harm. We don’t recommend you use this store and it isn’t expected to be online for too much longer.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

11 thoughts on “XanaxOnlineForSale.com Reviews – Illegal Operation

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  2. This is my first order from XOFS, I was really hesitant and scared about ordering but I do some reach on them, I found everywhere they have positive reputation. I got the order on time, and love the product, doing 2nd order with them. TRUST THEMMMM

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