Reviews – Steer Clear This Scam


TrustMedOnline purports to be a European pharmacy that offers customers a wide range of medicines for delivery across Europe and the US, but we have conducted a detailed investigation, and these claims just don’t hold up. It is clear that is website is a rogue pharmacy. Click to see a full review and find out more.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2017-03-17
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationhidden
Business Information
NameTrust Med Online
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Toll-NumberUS: +1-800-532-48-08
UK: +44-203-011-02-41
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Info

Like many suspicious sites, this domain has been set up for a limited time. As you can see in the picture below, it was registered in 2017, then updated in 2019 until 2020. This is common among scam sites whereas trusted pharmaceutical providers have long term sites which don’t have to be continually renewed.

Additionally, as you can see that they are using a privacy company to hide the identity of the owner. This is not a trustworthy and transparent business practice.

registered on 2017-03-17


Related Websites

This website is linked to many other suspicious sites, 58 to be exact, and all the information about the owner of this site and the related sites is hidden, with more in-depth investigations suggesting the owner may be located in Armenia which is classified as a risk country and is a red flag. This association with other flagged sites indicate that this site is part of a group of sites involved in illegal activity. Any discerning customer would be advised to steer well clear of sites like these.

58 websites with low trust rating


Business Profile

It is extremely difficult to identify the underlying company which owns this website, and the site itself contains no information about the business behind the website or where it is located. It does indicate that they are compliant with Indian drug and cosmetic laws, but this seems a little strange as nothing else on their website or registration information suggests any link to an Indian based or owned business. The business is also not registered by a valid regulatory body in either the US, Canada or Europe.


Product Range

A browse through their products and especially the highlighted and promoted products, it would appear that is tailored to certain men’s health products which are prominently advertised on a banner at the top of all pages.

men's health drugs

They also offer a range of other products including generic Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s drugs without requiring a prescription, which is considered illegal almost everywhere in the world. It is also notable that all the drugs being offered are generic drugs that are being produced in South Asia and it is not clear that they are genuine or meet any required standards.


Pricing and Payments

This pharmacy offers drugs at a fraction of the price that it would cost to buy them from reputable pharmacies, and the site itself suggests that medicines may be sent that look very different from the medicines they are supposed to be which should raise concerns with everyone. It is likely that many of these medicines may be counterfeit or the product of illegal cross border smuggling.

As the site has no SSL protection, it is not safe to make payments on this site using any of the options listed including Visa and MasterCard. It is clear that your details are not secure on this site so you really shouldn’t be making payments here. Reviews

used many timesThey say that the best reflection of a company is the comments and feedback of its customers, so we decided to look for reviews of

Unfortunately, despite assurances on the site that they have “been in business for 9 years, (and are) …one of the leading pharmacies on the Internet” we cannot find a single review of this pharmacy on any review sites.

This was most surprising considering that they are a leading pharmacy, so the only option we had left was to look at their own testimonials hosted on their site to see what we could find there.

What is immediately apparent upon using Google is that these testimonials are shared among many other suspicious pharmacy sites and clearly were not unique testimonials providing feedback on the service they had received. Using generic testimonials is a common tactic of dubious websites who have no real customer interactions to report.




Our thorough investigation has clearly shown that is a dubious business with untrustworthy business practices. At all costs we would recommend that no one do business with this company and anyone foolhardy enough to do so would be as well taking their hard-earned dollars, piling them up in a spot in the garden and setting them on fire. We can give only 1 star.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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