Reviews – A Checkered History

main page is a pharmacy which seems to have been around for a long time. They claim to offer innovative treatments which really work. However, our investigation into this drugstore suggests that all is not what it seems and you need to be wary when shopping on this site.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2018-01-31
Owner CountryUkraine
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

The domain address information for this drugstore shows us that this domain name was registered quite recently, less than a year ago. A shorter registration history like this can sometimes suggest that the site is a scam as stores which has been trading for longer are naturally going to be more reliable.

registered in 2018

The details of the person who registered the site address are shown in the record. This is good, as it is common to find that these details have been hidden by less open pharmacy owners. The person who is supposed to have registered this domain is based in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev. This country, however, isn’t normally seen as a reliable pharmacy location, so this is a concern.


Business Contact Details

There is no business name and address information found on the site. They do have phone numbers for the US and the UK but that doesn’t mean that they are actually located in either country. It seems likely that they are based in Ukraine as previously discovered.

may be from Ukraine


Regulatory Approval

Regulatory approval can make sure that the pharmacy you purchase your medication from, acts in a professional manner. Unfortunately, there seems to be no regulation of this drugstore. Part of the problem is that we aren’t really certain where they are based, and there are different regulatory requirements in different jurisdictions.

LegitScript has taken the time to investigate the legality of this online pharmacy, finding problems. They consider that this store isn’t operating in accordance with the law in all the countries they sell to.


Website History

Though this store has bold claims of operating since 2007, as we have already shown, the domain name was registered just last year. Research reveals that they have used at least two other domain names prior to this one. seems to have been the original domain used for this site, after that they used

The pharmacy remains almost identical, to how it is now, in the earlier versions of the site. The reason they decided to change domain name is unknown but this is not something which businesses normally do. They will have lost many customers with the change of website address and will have had to work hard to get the new store higher in the search engine rankings.

The conclusion must be that they had no other choice than to change addresses. Perhaps the site was blocked by Government agencies because they were considered to be a scam. Whatever, the real reason, it isn’t a sign of a trustworthy pharmacy.


Medication on Sale

Quite a good range of products are offered by this store and they claim to sell brand name pills as well as generic. They are mainly focused on selling men’s health treatments. The drugs are manufactured in and dispatched from India, a country which also produces a large amount of counterfeit medication.


Payment and Shipping

Purchasers can use credit or debit cards as well as Bitcoin to order drugs from this store. The pharmacy has the correct and valid security certificate to make sure your financial information is secure when ordering here.

Shipping options are standard airmail and a trackable courier service. Standard airmail is free on orders over $150 but normally costs $10 and receipt of the package is within 21 days. The courier shipping costs $30 with delivery expected in 5 to 9 days. Reviews

fakeThere are a lot of reviews on this pharmacy’s own testimonial pages. The problem with testimonial pages like these is that they are very biased towards favorable comments, and this is what we find on these testimonial pages.

It is normally better to find customer feedback on independent review sites. There is a graphic on the home page of this pharmacy with text saying that they have 3,849 customer testimonials on Trustpilot.

37 positive reviews

When we check this we find that they only, in reality, have 37 customer comments posted to that page. Though the majority of comments are positive, there is rather a large difference between 37 and 3,849 and this is a problem.

Some of the customer testimonials are clearly genuine but we do have doubts over others. Customers seem to have posted many reviews over a short period of time, which can indicate fake feedback.

3 stars



Links to often unreliable countries, multiple changes of the domain name and lack of any regulation are our main reasons for the 2-stars we award this store.

Though they appear to have mostly good customer feedback there are too many problems for us to ignore. You would do well to look for another online pharmacy for your pills.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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