TINRx.com Reviews – Limited Service

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TINRx.com is offering a personalized pharmacist service to meet individual customer needs. They also claim to provide a greater level of control as well as more freedom over your pharmacy experience. We take a look at the things this drugstore is claiming to provide to find out if what they say is true and if you should consider them for your medical needs.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2017-08-25
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameTIN Rx
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the database
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

When checking the records we can see that this is quite a new site. The domain was only registered in 2017and this could be an indication of a more unreliable pharmacy.

We have found that the longer the pharmacy has been around, the more likely it is to be a reliable store to put your trust in. A newer pharmacy is always going to be a greater risk since they don’t have a successful history of serving customers behind them.

registered in 2017

What also isn’t good to find is the use of a privacy service. Ordinarily, you would expect a legit pharmacy to have no problem with their contact information being in the domain name records. However, the owner of this store has chosen to hide this information. Our initial impression of this pharmacy isn’t particularly good from what we find in the domain records.


Business Contact Details

San Francisco, California, USAThis business does give their address in the footer section of their site. This is good and increases the chances of this store being a safe pharmacy.

The business is located at a retail store address in San Francisco, California, USA. This is a genuine address and we are able to 100% confirm that they are based there.


Regulatory Approvals

This is a Californian pharmacy business so they need to be registered with the Board of Pharmacy for California. A check with their database shows that they are indeed registered as they should be.

Board of Pharmacy for California

This information confirms that they are a legit business and also that the location information on their site is correct.


Services Offered

The store specializes in treatments for the LGBTQ community. As such, they offer some treatments not usually found on pharmacy stores, these include:

  • Anti HIV meds
  • Hormone therapies
  • Specialty therapy management

The medication is offered in daily packaging to ensure that you don’t miss dosages. This means that the meds are individually packaged for each day to avoid mix-ups. This service is at no additional cost.

When you use this pharmacy you aren’t able to complete transactions entirely online. You will need to be contacted by a pharmacist for a consultation before they will fill any prescriptions. Here you will find out if you are eligible for their service and what benefits you can receive.


Prescription Requirements

They do correctly require a prescription. They offer automated ordering and transactions to make sure you don’t have to go to the trouble of getting a new prescription from your doctor. This should save you time and hassle for refills without the need to visit a pharmacy.

If you don’t already have a prescription an online consultation can be provided for some treatments, including PrEP the anti HIV treatment.


Payment and Shipping

The pharmacy accepts all insurances and major credit cards. The site is secure, though they will contact you by phone for your payment details.

They provide free delivery within California. This shipping method is next day delivery and uses discreet packaging.


TINRx.com Reviews

When looking for TINRx.com reviews online we find nothing. This isn’t entirely a surprise as they haven’t been in business for very long. It can be difficult to get customer feedback for new businesses since most people who use the site won’t leave comments and the store won’t have had many customers at this early stage.

not found

What this does mean, is that you are shopping on this store without any reassurance from other customers that they actually provide the service they claim to offer.



This is a pharmacy store that has the correct regulation and is a genuine business offering a specialized service. While they are legit and likely offer a safe medical experience, there are some downsides.

They are very new and there isn’t any customer feedback to confirm that their business is reliable. They also seem to be limited to selling meds within California and orders can’t be solely completed online. It is for these reasons, that we award a rating of 3 stars.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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