Reviews – Too Many Lies

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The evolution of online pharmacies has made life simpler and easier as you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home. However, this is false for some pharmacies that are geared toward taking money from their victims. In this article, we are going to review to know if they are truly legit or just another scam we need to ignore. So if you’re looking for an honest review, make sure you read to the very end of the article.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2023-02-21
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameCanadian Pharmacy
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Information

The first part of our investigation of is to review and evaluate the domain information of the website. According to, the domain name was registered on 2023/02/21. This means they haven’t been in operation for up to a year. Furthermore, the domain was last updated on 2023/04/10 and it’s expected to expire by 2024/02/21.

registered in 2023

The data above makes us understand that was only introduced a few months ago. They haven’t been recognized by International bodies such as CIPA and NABP. Furthermore, the domain expiry date proves that are not here to stay for a long time. You’re at risk if you plan on dealing with this type of pharmacy as they may abscond with your money without a trace.


Business Profile provides quality generic medicines that are shipped directly from India. One of the goals of this company includes delivering safe, generic medications at a good price. Also, all of the products that are available on their website are produced with the best raw materials and the greatest care at world-class pharmaceutical manufacturing plants in India. All of these plants are Indian FDA-approved and internationally certified, so you know their products are safe.

low trust

However, when we checked the website on, we found out that have a trust score. This low trust score was because the website has been reported to be unsafe. Some of the other reasons include the hidden identity of the owners, low traffic, high-risk country, etc. Furthermore, the website claim to have existed for over 16 years which is a big lie as the domain information refute this fact.


Regulatory Approvals

Another important part of our review of is to check for regulatory approvals. This will help in boosting our trust in the pharmacy. However, in a situation where there is none to prove the legitimacy of this pharmacy, we will waste no time in declaring them fake and unsafe.

According to the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA), the domain was not found in their database. This means they are not recognized as a registered member of the association.

a rogue status

Furthermore, according to the National Association Board of Pharmacy (NABP), the domain is yet to be reviewed by the association. This means their application is still pending approval or rejection.

Finally, to check for regulatory approvals we checked the database of Unfortunately, the domain has been declared a ‘Rogue’ pharmacy website. This a website that appears to intentionally or knowingly violate, facilitate the violation of, or offer to facilitate the violation of applicable laws or regulations.


Products and Pricing

There are a lot of products available on You can choose from multiple suppliers based on the medication or prescription you need. Some of their bestselling products include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Men and Women’s Health
  • Skincare
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer treatments

There is a category tab that lists all the drugs for easy navigation on the website.

popular drugs

Furthermore, you don’t require a doctor’s prescription to buy drugs on All the drugs are available to you on order and delivery. Also, the prices are reasonable and affordable compared to other online pharmacies on the internet. However, there is a risk of not getting the medications you paid for. So you need to be very careful when dealing with this type of website.


Payments and Shipping

In terms of payments, accept limited types of payment methods. They include MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. This methods of payment are quite risky as you might find it hard requesting for a refund in a situation where there is a bad delivery. Also, there is a high risk of having your card details captured by the payment portal without your knowledge.

airmail and ems

Furthermore, make use of two shipping methods to deliver customers’ products. They include Airmail and EMS shipping methods. While Airmail shipping costs about $10 for 2 to 4 weeks, EMS shipping takes only 3 to 8 days for $30. However, free shipping is available for orders above $150. So if you want to benefit from her free shipping options you need to order more products. Reviews

To know what other people are saying about, we checked the website on However, we were disappointed as we couldn’t find a single review about the platform. This means there are no verified buyers we can trace for more information about their products. This is a big red flag that we shouldn’t take lightly. A website that claims to have existed for over 16 years cannot boast a single review. This is very perplexing and unthinkable.

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After much investigation and analysis of the above evidence, we concluded that is a very big scam. Their lies about being in existence for 16 years coupled with the fact that they are not recognized by CIPA and NABP made this decision irreversible. The pharmacy gets only 1 star. However, other top-rated pharmacy websites have been vetted by our in-house experts; so do well to check them out and stop patronizing scams.


There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>


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