RxUSA.com Reviews – Using Fake Emails

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RxUSA.com is a pharmacy which claims to offer affordable meds with superior customer service. They say that they strive to produce positive patient outcomes and cost-effective alternatives to high drug pricing. We review what is offered by this business to find out if they are living up to their claims.

About Domain Name
Registration Date1995-09-21
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameRx USA
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: unverified
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

The domain name records referring to this website show us that they have been in business since 1995. This is a very long time form an online pharmacy to have been in business and should suggest that they are a more reliable and legit drugstore operation accordingly.

registered in 1995

What isn’t quite as good is that they are using an anonymous privacy service to make sure that their real information isn’t shown in the domain name records. This is often something we find with dubious pharmacies and not something which is usually encouraging to discover.


Business Contact Details

The pharmacy provides an address in the footer of their site. This gives their address as in New York State and when checking on this we can see that it is genuine business premises.


Regulatory Approvals

logoOnline drugstores need to have regulatory approval to guarantee a safe service for customers. This pharmacy has a regulatory seal from Pharmacy Checker on their site.

When checking this regulatory approval we run into a problem. Their page cannot be found on the Pharmacy Checker site and this shows that they aren’t currently verified by the program.

not founs

As a consequence, they shouldn’t be displaying the seal on their site. While it seems likely that they were accredited by this association in the past, they aren’t currently and shouldn’t continue to use the seal.

They also give information and license numbers for their New York State Boards of Pharmacy regulation. Checking this number confirms that they are registered with the state authorities as they claim.

a valid number

When we look to LegitScript for their finding we can see they give the pharmacy a rating of unverified. This means that they don’t meed the requirements which LegitScript uses to show that a drugstore is legit and safe to use.



Legal Action

This pharmacy has spent years tied up in a legal battle in which they claimed to have been promised discount wholesale prices from a distributor. They lost the case, however, when it was discovered that Rx USA was using fake emails as the basis for this claim.

They were ordered by the court to pay $1.8 million to the distributor in the case, plus an additional $50,000 to both the court and the plaintiff for the use of fraudulent emails. The distributor had requested more damages from the court which were denied for the 9 years of litigation which they had participated in.

The use of fake emails in a legal case from the CEO of this business doesn’t show the company in a particularly good light and could be a concern for potential customers.


Products and Prices

A large number of different treatments are made available through this pharmacy. The prices we find are very high, with some of their drugs costing tens of thousands of dollars.



Payment and Shipping

This pharmacy’s store is secure to make sure your information can’t be stolen when you enter it on the site. They accept payment for their drugs by check or health insurance.

Shipping is charged at a minimum of $25 for customers outside of the USA. Within the US there is free shipping when you spend over $300 on their products. If you don’t reach this value the options start to get complicated, with shipping starting from $2.99 per item (up to 13oz) for first-class US Postal delivery. Standard shipping costs $9.95 per 1LB order and they also have next day and priority options to choose from.


RxUSA.com Reviews

Since this pharmacy has been operating for a very long time, it would be fair to assume that many customer testimonials would be readily available online. However, when searching for RxUSA.com reviews we don’t find anything.

not found

This is surprising and of some concern. This suggests that this store doesn’t get many customers and means that we have no way of judging how well this store performs in supplying its products.



This pharmacy business does have some correct regulations in place. They are also using a seal, however, which they have no right to use. We haven’t been able to find customer testimonials and there is the issue of the legal battle.

It is for these reasons, that we give a very average score to this drugstore of 3 stars out of five.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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