Rx2go.com Reviews – Not What They Claim

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Rx2go.com is an online drugstore which promises up to a 90% discount compared to your local pharmacy. They say that they have strict quality standards for the generic medication that they sell. Our review of this pharmacy casts great doubt on their assurances of quality pills, don’t make a purchase with this business before you know the full facts.

About Domain Name
Registration Date1999-12-17
Owner CountryRussia
Contact Informationno
Business Information
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

Domain records for this online drugstore suggest that they have been around for a very long time. Normally, we find that stores which have a long history are more likely to not be a scam.

work since 1999

Though it appears that this store has been around since 1999, further investigation shows that this isn’t actually the case. Checking the history of the domain and the archived website shows that the current owners took over the domain in around the 2014 period.

lots of changes

The domain record also shows that they are using a privacy service from a registrar based in Moscow, Russia. Russia is considered to be high-risk when it comes to online transactions due to a lot of fraud originating from there, so this isn’t a good finding.


Business Contact Details

There isn’t any information about the business behind this pharmacy or where they are based anywhere to be found on their site. This is far from ideal and a problem often found with scam pharmacies.

We are left to assume that they are based in Russia as per the domain registrar.


Regulatory Approvals

They don’t provide any details of membership to a regulatory association and so it seems that they aren’t following any rules in their operation of this pharmacy. This lack of regulation does pose a risk to customers, putting not only your health but your personal data in danger of being compromised.

a rogue pharmacy

Looking at the findings of LegitScript shows that they highlight the same issue we have found. This store isn’t correctly regulated and they have therefore given the site their lowest rating of ‘rogue’, ignoring the law for where they sell meds.


Medications Offered

This store is selling generic pills which are dispensed from India and Singapore. More information about where the pills are dispensed from isn’t available on the site which makes it difficult to be sure of the quality of the drugs sold.

Tramadol, Modvigil, Gabapentin

They seem to offer a wide range of treatments which include antibiotics, blood pressure, pain pills, skin care and men’s health. But despite their claims of being strict with the high standards of drugs they sell, it is impossible to be sure. There is a very real risk of receiving fake or low-quality drugs from this pharmacy since we have little information about where the pills are manufactured.


Prescription Requirements

They say that most of their products don’t require a prescription and the ones that do are clearly marked on the product’s page. They also say that if a prescription is required you can email it to them.

This sounds like a responsible way to run a pharmacy site, however, when we checked, drugs which clearly should be prescribed didn’t indicate that it was required. So, in reality, you can buy pills which need to be prescribed without a prescription from this store.

This is a common problem with scam online pharmacies and suggests that this store is an unreliable place to buy your meds.


Payment and Shipping

The store is using a valid SSL certificate for site security and they accept payment by:

  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • FastPay
  • Bitcoin
  • E-check

Free standard shipping is available for orders over $100 and there is free express shipping when you spend over $150. If you don’t reach those order values regular shipping costs $20 and express costs $30.


Rx2go.com Reviews

It is difficult to find any Rx2go.com reviews online and we only managed to find one customer who had anything to say about the store.

This testimonial appears to be from a genuine customer who had a successful experience with the store.



We can’t be completely sure where the owner of this store is really based though there seems to be a suggestion that they are in Russia. This lack of information continues when it comes to the dispensing of the pills they sell and they also have no regulation.

It is very difficult to recommend that anyone shop for meds on this store. Our rating of 1 star out of 5 represents this.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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