Reviews – A Few Issues

common view is a pharmacy which says that they have been in business since 1969. They operate in a way in which they say helps the community and maximizes patient health. We review their services to find out if they are meeting these claims and if you should consider them for your next purchase.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2013-08-15
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameReeds Pharmacy Utah
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: unverified
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Information

The domain name records for this pharmacy business tell us that they have been registered since 2013. This isn’t a huge number of years but is longer than the most unreliable pharmacies we see. While they, of course, couldn’t have registered the domain back in 1969, it does show that they were late to get a website for the business if that is really true.

registered in 2013

There is a section in the domain records that should give you some information about who has registered the domain and where they are located. However, when it comes to this pharmacy this information is hidden. They have chosen to use a domain privacy service so that their real details aren’t shown. This could be an indication of an untrustworthy pharmacy business.


Business Contact Details

An address is provided in Utah for this business, which isn’t surprising given the name used in the domain address. A check on this address shows that this a real pharmacy location in Hyrum which is north of Salt Lake City.

This shows us that this is a legit pharmacy business located where they claim.


Regulatory Approvals

This drugstore business has an unapproved rating with LegitScript which could suggest that there are problems with this pharmacy. Without a legitimate rating, we can’t be sure if they are really doing things in a safe manner.



Medications Offered

This pharmacy sells the normal product range you would expect to find in your local store. They do, however, specialize in the following services:

  • Compounding
  • Diabetic strips
  • Men’s health treatments

They also run a program called the “100 Day Cash Supply” where they sell you meds at a discount. They can do this because of the higher quantities you are ordering and is available for many different types of treatment. They charge prices ranging from $15 up to $55 for medications in this program.


Along with this, they provide a medical synchronization program to keep customer’s refills organized. This means that you are able to collect your drugs at the same time so that it is easier for you. They also offer discounts and free delivery when you are part of this program.

The store also offers a drive-thru to make collecting your meds even easier.


Payment and Shipping

home deliveryThe pharmacy doesn’t allow you to make purchases through their site directly, you can order refills but these will need to be paid for in person or over the phone.

Shipping is free if you are local to the store. They even have a vehicle with their logo and information branded across it.

If you are further away from the store they will charge $5 for delivery but this is only for the state of Utah. They don’t supply meds to people outside of Utah. Reviews

There are a few different places where reviews can be found. They have feedback on their Facebook page as well as their Google business listing. These testimonials are almost entirely good, with a rating of 4.9 on Facebook and 4.8 on Google.

People seem happy with the service provided as well as the costs of the pills and the speed of service found from this pharmacy. These certainly appear to be from genuine customers of the store and they have a combined total of over 100 reviews.




We haven’t been able to prove that their claim of having been in business since 1969 is true, but we haven’t found anything to disprove it either. Aside from that, there are a number of things to recommend the store. They have a good number of positive testimonials from their customers and have programs to save people money.

They are a legit business that should be safe for patients but there are a few issues. They only sell drugs in their own state and online ordering is limited. We give them 4 stars out of 5 for this Utah drugstore.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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