OvernightPharm.com Reviews – Difficult to Trust

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OvernightPharm.com is a store promising secure ordering, bonus pills, and free shipping. While this might sound appealing, there could be many reasons to mistrust this pharmacy. We look at the site to check whether what they offer is believable and if you should pick them to fulfill your medical needs.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2010-08-22
Owner Countryunknown
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the database
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

Details about the registration of domain names are available to check. For this domain, we can see that they have only been registered for a few weeks. This isn’t a good indication that the pharmacy is going to be a reliable source of medications, however.

registered in 2020

A service called “Anonymize, Inc.” has been used to hide the details of the ownership of this domain name. This is something we frequently find with scam pharmacy operations but it is far from conclusive.


Business Contact Details

Contact details for this pharmacy are limited to phone numbers and an email address. Their phone numbers are for the US and the UK, but it is unlikely that they are actually located in either country. You can also use an online form if you need to speak to customer support.

This lack of business information means that we don’t know the name of the business that operates the store, or even which country they are based in, and this isn’t ideal.


Regulatory Approvals

The pharmacy doesn’t display any regulatory seals that would normally indicate the store was following normal and reliable safety standards. The lack of any such protection naturally suggests that this pharmacy is more likely to be a scam.

The pills are said to be manufactured in India following Indian state and national rules. They claim to be approved by the Indian FDA, despite there not actually being a government agency by that name. No evidence is provided to prove any of the claims they have made, nor do they provide the names of the pharmaceutical companies involved so we could check.

not in the database

Since the store is so new they haven’t yet been reviewed by LegitScript, though we doubt they will be approved when they are.


Drugs Sold

The store mostly offers generic drugs with a few brand name items. Their prices are fairly low though not the most reasonable we’ve seen.


Types of treatments offered cater to the following illnesses and more:

  • Diabetes
  • Skin care
  • Arthritis
  • Men’s health

They don’t provide anything to suggest the businesses that manufacture their products, we only know that they are in India. This is a concern as we can’t check that the pills are produced in a manner that is reliable for their customers.

There is a greater chance that the pills will be of a lower quality, containing the incorrect ingredients in the wrong amounts. Relying on such fake pills could do more harm than good to your health, possibly creating a very serious health issue.


Payment and Shipping

Payment for the order from this site takes place on a different website that is secure, unlike the main store. You can pay using the following methods:

free of charge

  • Bitcoin
  • Visa
  • American Express
  • Mastercard

Shipping is via airmail at a cost of $10 with an expected delivery in 2 to 3 weeks. If you spend more than $150 on products from the pharmacy this fee is waived. The lack of any additional shipping options means that you will have to wait longer for your meds even if you need them in a hurry.


OvernightPharm.com Reviews

Online pharmacies often feature customer feedback to prove that they are a good place to purchase meds from. This pharmacy is very new and finding lots of OvernightPharm.com reviews would be very suspicious.

not found

Fortunately, they don’t have a page for testimonials on the site, and none can be found elsewhere. This isn’t a great surprise but does mean that you will buy from this store without the benefit of learning what other customers thought of the pharmacy.



There are many reasons to think that this is a rogue pharmacy that you shouldn’t place your faith in. They don’t have any regulatory approvals that we are able to check, they don’t provide any business information, and we don’t know who is manufacturing their products. They are also a very new pharmacy that is difficult to trust.

There really aren’t many reasons to order from this pharmacy, we give them 1 star out of 5.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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