Reviews – Pharmacy Fraud

common view is one of the leading online pharmacies that help thousands of people get high-quality generic and brand medications from world-renowned and tested suppliers. They are known for their safe and high-quality products, fair prices, and confidentiality. Also, your strong health is not a wonder, it’s the work of the best specialists in the healthcare industry, and they are here to share with you the results of their comprehensive scientific study. However, there are some notable red flags identified by our in-house review team that you need to know.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2023-04-22
Owner Countryunknown
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameHappy Family Store
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Information

In other to know if is legit or a scam, we need to evaluate the domain information thoroughly. According to, the domain name was newly registered on 2023/04/22 under the registrar CNOBIN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIMITED. They have existed for only 3 months which makes them new to the industry.

registered in 2023

Furthermore, the domain is set to expire by 2025/04/22 and was last updated in 2023/07/05. However, information such as company name, address, and phone number were all absent or redacted for privacy purposes. This makes it impossible to evaluate the true nature of their business operation. So you need to be very careful when dealing with this type of website.


Business Profile is here to make you and your family fun and happy, hale and hearty, fresh and active. They provide fair price packages to help you take advantage of their reasonable cost and savings using their special offers and discounts. Also, there is a high level of confidentiality and trust. They guarantee complete anonymity, as well as the safety of your personal and financial information. You receive your parcel as a gift — without any titles and prices on it — so that nobody could learn about its contents.

the lowest

However, when we tested on we discovered that they have a low trust score of 1 out of 100. Some of the reasons for this include the hidden identity of the owners behind the website, malware reports, high-risk cryptocurrency services, anonymous payment methods, spam, etc. Also, the website is parading to be a popular pharmacy website (Happy Family Store) to deceive and lure people into buying from them.


Regulatory Approvals

To know if is regulatory compliance, we are going to check the databases of CIPA, NABP, and This will further enhance our understanding of the security and risk posture of the website.

According to the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA), the domain name was not found on their database. This means they are not recognized as a legal entity in Canada.


Furthermore, when we checked the domain on the database of the National Association Board of Pharmacy (NABP), we discovered that they are yet to be reviewed by the association.

Finally, to check for more regulatory compliance we tested the website on Unfortunately, we discovered that they have been declared a ‘Rogue’ pharmacy website. These are websites that appear to intentionally or knowingly violate, facilitate the violation of, or offer to facilitate the violation of applicable laws or regulations.


Products and Pricing

There are a lot of products available on which includes both generic and brand medications. Customers can choose from a variety of drugs depending on their tastes and likes. Also, all the products available on the website are safe and of high quality. They are FDA approved with all the necessary documentation and certificates.

popular drugs

Furthermore, in terms of pricing the medications are sold in terms of pills. That’s you can buy as many pills as you like without buying in packs. The prices of pills go from as low as ¢0.30 to as high as $300 for a pack. Also, you don’t need a doctor’s prescription to buy medications on


Payments and Shipping

There are multiple payment methods customers can choose from They include:

  • Paypal
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • SEPA

Also, they accept cryptocurrency as a medium of payment, but it’s only limited to Bitcoin and Tether. So make sure you go for the safest payment method that is well-suited for you.

In terms of shipping, accept two types of shipping methods. They include Courier Delivery Service with real-time tracking of your order and Standard airmail without the shipping tracking feature. While the former takes 4 to 9 business days to deliver customer products, the latter takes 15 to 21 days. Reviews

To know what other people are saying about, we tested the website on Unfortunately, we could not find a single review about the pharmacy website. This makes it impossible to gather first-hand experience about their products or services. The absence of online media profiles makes it more complicated.

no comments



After much review of, our in-house review team concluded that they are scams and not legit. The absence of regulatory approvals coupled with the act of deceiving people on what they are not, are some of the reasons for this decision. However, there are other safe and trustworthy alternatives you might want to try out. They have been vetted by our team to be secure and legitimate.

We will give this pharmacy only 1 out of 5 stars!


There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>


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