Reviews – Stolen Feedback

common view is a pharmacy that says they are a home to your health solutions. They offer discounts on generic medications, but is this really a good place to purchase medication from? We take a look at what the drugstore is offering to help you make the choice.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2020-08-21
Owner Countryunknown
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameMeds Like Pharmacy
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

The domain has been registered since 2020. This shows that the store cannot have been online and in business for long, increasing the chance that they are a scam.

registered in 2020

There is a small amount of information about the owner of the store in the records, but it only says they are in India. This lack of information is less than ideal and, once again, suggests that they are a scam.


Business Contact Details

Despite having a lot of information on their website, they fail to give their business address. Though indications seem to be that they are located in India, they don’t offer any information to confirm this.

A business that isn’t forthcoming with their contact information, could be more of a risk to customers. Pharmacies that are trying to scam their customers, naturally don’t want anyone to know their contact information, and this could be the reason here.


Regulatory Approvals

There isn’t any sign of pharmacy regulation from this store. While they do claim that ordering is secure on the site with SSL encryption, this isn’t the same thing as regulation.

rogueWithout any regulation, there isn’t any guarantee that the store is doing the things it should be to protect its customers.

A check with LegitScript shows that they are considered a rogue store. This means that the pharmacy hasn’t done the things they should have to legally sell medications online.


Tablets Sold

The store sells generic pills, though their prices are not too competitive. They sell men’s health drugs along with a few other categories including:

  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Acne
  • Eye care

The store does give the name of the manufacturer which isn’t always the case with scam pharmacies, though they don’t reveal where they are dispensed from. This means that we cannot check whether this is done in a reliable manner by people correctly qualified to do so.

cenforce, avana, etc.

This increases the chance that the store isn’t offering its customers the best quality drugs. This could mean that the pills sold don’t contain the things they should.

With the wrong ingredients, the result of taking the pills could be very unexpected. Instead of curing the problem the pills were taken for, it is possible that the patient’s health will become worse as a consequence.

While the tablets and packaging might look right, there isn’t any way of really being sure if you are buying from a scam drugstore. Though the prices might look good, this shouldn’t be your only concern when purchasing medication online.


Payment and Shipping

The website is secure, and the store accepts payment through Paypal or major credit and debit cards.

Shipping is via EMS and DHL, and the cost will be $30. Shipping is free when you spend more than $249 with the pharmacy. Reviews

The store doesn’t have the main page for reviews, but they do have some customer feedback on individual product pages. However, any feedback that is on the pharmacy’s own pages is controlled by them and they can delete anything negative if they wish.

This situation isn’t ideal, and it is also possible that these comments aren’t genuine. Adding to the belief that these aren’t real customer responses, is the fact that a different pharmacy name is used in one comment.

positive review

This comment appears to be for AllDayGeneric and not this pharmacy. The reason for this could be because the comment has been copied from that store, but whatever the real reason, it isn’t a good thing to discover. This problem adds to the feeling that the pharmacy is a scam.



With so many issues found with this pharmacy, it isn’t our recommendation, and we give them 1 star. They don’t have any regulations, they aren’t letting anyone know where the pills are dispensed, and there seems to be a problem with the customer feedback.

All of these issues suggest that buying from this pharmacy would be something you could come to regret.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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