Reviews – Unusual Selections

main page is a pharmacy supplying Russian meds to customers in many other parts of the world. But is this pharmacy reliable, and should you pick them? We review the service provided to find many issues of concern.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2015-08-02
Owner CountryRussia
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameMedix Life
Phone Numbersno
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionno

Domain Name Information

Looking at the domain name entry for this pharmacy shows that they have been around since 2015. Though this is longer than many pharmacies we look at, it isn’t all that long and could still indicate that they are a scam.

registered in 2015

A business address isn’t given in the contact information as a privacy service has been used. Though this isn’t ideal, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem.


Business Profile

The pharmacy tells us that they are selling Russian medications but they don’t give us a business address or name. While we might assume that the meds are being dispensed in Russia, we don’t know exactly where they are sent from.

This lack of information increases the risk with this pharmacy and could mean that pills are not being dispensed by people correctly qualified.


Pharmacy Accreditation

rogueThere are not any regulatory seals to show this pharmacy has accreditation. When we check with LegitScript, we can see that they highlight this problem as well. They have classified the pharmacy as a rogue, meaning it does not have the correct accreditation to be selling medicine online to people in the United States.


Pills Sold

The pharmacy offers a fairly unusual range of medicines. These include:

  • Nootropics
  • Sports doping
  • Homeopathics
  • Hematotropics (effecting blood cells – hemotropic)
  • Men’s health

We don’t normally find product categories like homeopathic or sports doping on pharmacy websites.

Homeopathic products don’t actually contain any active ingredients and are just heavily diluted. The idea is that the more that the active ingredients are diluted, the more effective they will be, although there isn’t any scientific evidence to back up this belief.

russian drugs

Sports doping is another strange product category available from this store. While some people do use this type of product, we’ve never seen it sold so openly on a pharmacy site.

Despite these unusual product categories, they do provide some information about who has manufactured the pills being sold and other details. While this is reasonably good, we still do not know where these meds are being dispensed from.

There also isn’t any mention of prescription requirements from the pharmacy. This is not what we would normally expect from a legitimate pharmacy and could spell problems for potential customers of the store.


Payment and Shipping

The pharmacy site is secure, and they appear to accept the following payment types:

  • MasterCard
  • Visa
  • Bitcoin
  • PayPal

However, they do not currently accept payments through PayPal or credit cards. This just leaves Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. If you decide to pay by Bitcoin or other crypto options, the pharmacy offers to apply a 10% discount to your order.

Standard shipping from the pharmacy will cost $10. The pharmacy gives a delivery time of between 15 and 25 days to the United States, and up to 40 days to Europe. The pharmacy does provide a tracking number to allow you to see the progress of shipping.


The pharmacy also goes to usual and great lengths to show how they pack the meds they send out to customers. They show how they package the pharmacy products and the finished parcels ready to dispatch. This is done to convince potential customers that they are more reliable. Reviews

The pharmacy does not have a page containing reviews. We’ve also been unable to find any customer feedback on independent websites.

not found

The lack of customer comments means that we are unable to confirm that this pharmacy is supplying medicine reliability to customers. Of course, this increases the risk without being able to lean on the experience of previous customers.



While this pharmacy does offer an unusual selection of treatments, there are many problems. We do not know who is operating this pharmacy or exactly where they are operating from. This means that we don’t know if the pills will be reliable or even if you will receive what you have ordered.

We give them 1 star thanks to all these problems, and we suggest you go elsewhere for your medical needs.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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