Reviews – Providing Fake Information

homepage is an online drugstore which promises top quality meds at the lowest prices. They claim to have been in business for over 7 years. Our review of this store puts all of these claims in great doubt with far too many reasons to avoid this pharmacy.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2016-03-23
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationfake
Business Information
NameEuropharm Group Inc.
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Toll-NumberUS: +1-800-715-5341
EU: +44-203-318-5981
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

The domain name information shows that this store’s address was registered in 2016. It has been our experience that domain names which are more recent are far more likely to be a scam than a pharmacy which has been online for a decade or more.

registered in 2016

The owner of this pharmacy has chosen to use a privacy service to hide their information within the domain records. This is a problem frequently found when we investigate scam pharmacy stores and so not good to find here.


Business Contact Details

fakeThere are a business name and address on the contact page of the pharmacy. They also provide an online form and a couple of phone numbers if you need to contact them. There is a rather major issue with the business name and address we see on this site, however.

The business name ‘Europharm Group Inc.’ with an address in the Czech Republic is something we have found on many other pharmacy sites. This really isn’t a good thing to find as the other drugstores with this business information, turned out to be very clear scams.

The business name appears to be fake as there isn’t any evidence of it showing up anywhere else but on stores like this. The address is either a mailbox or just a fake address and certainly isn’t the operating location for this business.


Mirror Sites

This online pharmacy has been created using a drugstore template which has been used by many other sites. This isn’t a good thing to find and suggests that the owner of the store may own a number of these pharmacy sites using different domain names. With this particular site, the main logo has been changed to match the domain name, which is unusual when we have seen this template used before.

the same layout

All of these sites feature the same products at the same prices as well as the same text on their about pages. There are hundreds of these identical sites, this is a list of just a few:

  • 24× (Read here)
  • (Read here)
  • (Read here)
  • (Read here)


Regulatory Approval

status: rogueOnline pharmacies need to follow the law and regulatory rules in order to ensure that their customers are safe when ordering medications from them. However, this drugstore doesn’t show any indication whatsoever that they are following either the applicable laws or any regulation.

This suggests that they are operating against the law for where they sell their product to and where they operate from. When checking with LegitScript we see that they confirm our finding that this store isn’t following the law in their operation. They have been given the lowest possible rating of a rogue online pharmacy.



Products Sold by this Pharmacy

This store does claim to sell both generic, as their name suggests, and brand name pills. They offer a reasonable range of medications with a focus on men’s health pills.

best sellers

The drugs seem to be dispatched from India but there are no exact details about where they are dispensed from.


Payment and Shipping

When you try to complete the checkout process on this store you find that you are transferred to a different website entirely. This other site gives four payment options which include:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Paypal
  • Bitcoin

Shipping options are either a courier with a tracking number provided or airmail. Courier delivery costs $24.95 and airmail costs $14.95. Courier has a delivery time of 3 to 8 business day, with airmail taking between 2 and 4 weeks.

Airmail is free on orders above $200 and courier is free when you spend over $300. Reviews

When we look at the testimonial page featuring Reviews on this store there is a problem. The testimonial page is a mirror like the rest of the pharmacy, so these comments are all fake and don’t relate to the service provided by this business.




There are many problems with this online pharmacy site. The biggest issue is that this is a duplicate mirror site which we have seen many times before. We don’t know anything about the genuine ownership of the site or where they are based.

It is for these reasons, that our finding is a rating of 1 star out of five.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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