FederalDrugs.com Reviews – Offshore Ownership

common view

FederalDrugs.com is a Canadian online pharmacy which provides patients more affordable medical supplies. They offer a 30-day money back guarantee if you’re not 100% satisfied. We examine the background of this store looking for problems to assess whether it is safe to use.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2003-02-19
Owner CountryIndia
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameFederal Drugs
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: unapproved
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionno

Domain Name Information

The domain address information about this store tells us that the name was registered in 2003 with more than a year left to run before it needs to be renewed. A website which has been around for such a long time would suggest that this is more likely to be a safe and legit business.

registered in 2003

A less positive detail from the record shows us that they are using a privacy service based in Barbados to keep their real contact information out of the public database.


Web Platform

This site has been around since 2003 and the design of the store looks like it is stuck in a time warp, not having been greatly updated since then. This old looking store is likely to put off a lot of people and perhaps this is why they haven’t invested in a more modern set up. Maybe they don’t get enough customers to justify the expense of rejuvenating their pharmacy store.


Business Contact Details

A couple of addresses are found on the contact page of the store. The mailing address is for a location in Toronto, Canada. When we check this address, it turns out to be a UPS store. This means they are using a mailbox service to redirect any mail to an unknown location.West Indies

The other address is for a business which is called UDS Health Ltd. which is based in the West Indies. This business name has care of (c/o) company name next to it.

Nevis The care of business name is Nevis International Trust Company Ltd. which is based in the Nevis, West Indies. It is an offshore companies formation business which organizations use for various reasons.

Reasons, why you might want to operate an offshore based business, include financial privacy, tax reduction, asset protection and avoiding domestic laws, among others. Whatever the reason here, what it does mean is that we don’t know who operates this business or from what location.




Regulatory Approval

Regulation of online pharmacies provides more protection for patients, this particular store shows no evidence of any regulation. They say that their contracted pharmacies are fully licensed and have pharmacists which review your order before dispensing.

A check with the main regulatory association in Canada, the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, shows that they aren’t members.

status: invalid

LegitScript have looked into the details of this pharmacy to check if they are following the law in the areas they operate. The classification they give is of an unapproved online pharmacy website which doesn’t meet their standards.

status: status unapproved


Medication Sold

There are a large number of medicines available through this pharmacy site. Brand-name and generic pills are sold and dispensed from not only Canada but fulfillment centers around the world. When you search for your medication you are normally informed about who manufactured the drugs, in which country and where they are being dispensed from.


Prescription Requirements

You do need to fax or post your prescription before your medication will be dispensed.


Payment and Shipping

Purchases of pills can be made from this pharmacy using Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express or check. The store has a valid security SSL certificate as online stores should have to protect purchasers.

common info

Shipping costs $7 to North America and this is free for orders over $100. For shipping to other countries, the charge is $19.95. Delivery times are on average 2 to 3 weeks in North America and 4 to 6 weeks for everywhere else, new customers may experience a delay of 2 to 3 days for processing.


FederalDrugs.com Reviews

This online drugstore has been operating since 2003 but despite this, we have been unable to find any FederalDrugs.com reviews from previous customers. This is a concern as customer feedback is a great way to learn how capable a pharmacy is at what they do. This lack of testimonials may suggest that not many people use this pharmacy which could put you off giving them a try.




This store has been operating with some success for a very long time so we can assume that they operate in a safe manner. Additionally, they are very firm on their requirement to receive prescriptions before they will dispense drugs and this is good.

There are some issues which prevent us from recommending them though. Lack of feedback and regulation means we award this store 3-stars out of 5.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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