En.Bee-Potent.com Reviews – Newsletter Scam?

common view

En.Bee-Potent.com is an online pharmacy that promotes men’s health generic drugs. They say they are a guide for men and offer a helpful newsletter that you can sign up to, but should you? Our look at the pharmacy suggests there are problems with what they are doing.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2019-04-16
Owner CountryCzech Republic
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
Phone Numbersno
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the database
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionno

Domain Name Information

The “En” part of the domain name is a subdomain for the English language version of the site, otherwise, the pharmacy is in German. When checking the domain details, we can see it hasn’t been online for long, making them look more like scam pharmacies we frequently find.

registered in 2019

There are also Italian, French, and Spanish versions of the site, but when we look at the contact information, the owner seems to be in the Czech Republic. The name of the organization that owns the site is Jan Bruštik, though other than these details no other information is available. This does sound like someone’s name rather than a business organization, however.


Business Contact Details

When we check for business details on the pharmacy’s website, we don’t find any information about who they are or where they are operating from. This isn’t a good discovery and is common with scam pharmacies.


Regulatory Approvals

The pharmacy shows some seals on their site, but these are only to prove they have adequate security. The pharmacy does not display any seals to show that they have regulatory approval.

not in the database


Treatments Provided

The pharmacy provides some information about generic men’s health drugs. However, in most cases, the information provided is very limited.

popular drugs

There is also another rather large problem with this pharmacy. They don’t seem to actually give you a way to purchase the medications they advertise. Certainly, at the time of writing, there isn’t a way to add medications to your shopping basket. This may not always be the case, but it is certainly something you would not expect from a reliable drugstore.

Since we don’t know where this pharmacy is operating from, we cannot be sure if the medications they offer to customers are actually coming from somewhere reliable. This problem could increase the likelihood that the medications you receive from the pharmacy are low-quality if you are actually able to buy them that is.

If you do end up buying low-quality medications you are putting your health at more risk. It could mean that your pills do not contain the correct ingredients you expect, and this could result in doing a lot of damage to your health.


Subscribing to Their Newsletter

The pharmacy does have a newsletter sign-up, and this may be the way that this pharmacy actually sells medications. If they regularly mail their list of subscribers, they may use their newsletter to sell medications to them. This allows them to bypass many of the regulations that are put in place to protect online pharmacy shoppers.



Payment and Shipping

The site is secure with a valid SSL certificate, which should ensure your information doesn’t fall in the wrong hands. However, since there currently isn’t a way to purchase, we don’t know which payment options they would offer.

Likewise, since you can’t purchase directly from the pharmacy, shipping isn’t going to be an issue.


En.Bee-Potent.com Reviews

It is always good to find customer feedback on independent websites. However, we can’t find any En.Bee-Potent.com reviews on independent sites.

There are some customer comments on the website itself that talk about the medications they have used. This customer feedback doesn’t speak about purchasing the medications from the pharmacy itself, which isn’t surprising.


We are unable to be sure if these comments are from genuine customers of the pharmacy, or if they have simply been made up by the owner of the site. The way that the comments read could easily suggest that these comments aren’t real, and this is a problem we often find with scam drugstores.



There are many problems with this pharmacy that should put you off the idea of buying medications from them, if they are available, or even signing up for their newsletter.

There are many more reliable online pharmacies than this one where you can buy today. We give this drugstore just 1 star.




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