Reviews – Lacking Any Security

common view is a drugstore which is looking to profit from the opioid crisis in the US. They are selling pain killers which should be prescribed to patients. Our look into this pharmacy uncovered many issues that should make you think twice before putting your trust in this store.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2018-03-11
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameChemis Drugstore
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionno

Domain Name Information

The domain name records for this pharmacy shows us that they haven’t been in business for long. The domain was only registered last year and this is often part of a pattern which indicates a scam pharmacy.

in business since 2018

We can also see that they have chosen to use domain privacy to hide their real business information. This is something else which is part of a pattern of actions commonly associated to pharmacy scammers.


Business Contact Details

A business address is given in the town of Vergennes, Vermont, US. When checking these details, however, we haven’t been able to positively confirm that they are genuine.

addresses and phone numbers

There are also a few things on the site which suggest that this information may be false. There is a section which is entitled “Who We Are” which says that they have branches in the US and Europe.

mistakes in the textThis appears to be an obvious lie and the way in which this section is written also causes some suspicion.

The way things have been phrased seems to suggest it was written by someone who isn’t a native English speaker. This could all point to this pharmacy not actually being located in the US as they claim.


Regulatory Approvals

This pharmacy claims to be based in Vermont, USA. This means that they need to be regulated with the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and their VIPPS program. However, this pharmacy doesn’t have any seals on their store for this regulatory program.


When we look to LegitScript they confirm our fears about this store. They classify the pharmacy as a rogue enterprise which is operating in violation of the law.


Medications Offered

This pharmacy is specializing in the selling of pain medications. They sell opioids and other pills which need to be prescribed due to their addictive properties. Products include:

Roxicodone A215

  • Methadone
  • Hydrocodone
  • Valium
  • Ketamine
  • Percocet

They don’t provide any information to prove the quality of the pills that they are selling, and since they don’t operate with any regulation, there is a risk that the drugs are fake.


Prescription Requirements

The drugs being sold do require a valid prescription. However, this pharmacy will let you buy without a prescription. Instead, they will fraudulently write a prescription for you to send with your package.

doesn't require

This doesn’t seem like the behavior you would expect from a reputable online pharmacy retailer.


Payment and Shipping

The order form, where you are supposed to fill out your payment details, isn’t secure. This means that details of your payment information could fall into the hands of people you wouldn’t want to give it to, leaving you open to fraud. If you do take the risky choice of making a purchase, despite this lack of security, they will take payment using:

  • Credit card
  • Bitcoin
  • Bank transfer

Shipping is charged at $25 for overnight delivery or $15 for delivery in 2 or 3 days. This does make it seem like the pills are being dispatched from the US, which is good. Reviews

Customer feedback has been very difficult to find for this pharmacy. The only place that had any reviews was the Google business listing and there was only a single comment left.

from the staff member

The customer has rated the business the full five stars, but strangely they have the user name “legit chemstore”. Either the parents of this person were very unkind or this is a fake name which has probably been created by the owner of this pharmacy.

The use of fake customer feedback is common with scam pharmacy stores so this doesn’t look good.



There are a lot of problems with this pharmacy. They aren’t operating with any regulation and they appear to be willing to commit fraud on your behalf. While they claim to be a US business we haven’t been able to 100% confirm this. There is also the problem of their lack of website security to consider as well.

We have concluded a rating of 2 stars is appropriate for this risky pharmacy.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

6 thoughts on “ Reviews – Lacking Any Security

  1. Paid western union for the pills. Then was told i needed to pay an additional $230.00 to release then to be shipped. Total scam

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