Reviews – Offering Something Different is an unusual drugstore offering a female health pill from the manufacturer of the drug. They say that the treatment has a proven track record of being safe and effective at what it is designed to do. Our review takes a look at what this drugstore has to offer and whether you should consider purchasing from them.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2010-09-22
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
Phone Numbersno
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the base
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

The domain information provides details of the registration of this site’s address. We can see that it was registered in 2010 and has more than five years left to run. This is a fairly long time for a store to have been around and suggests they are more likely to be a legit business.

work since 2010

Within the record, we can also see that this domain name has been registered by Sprout Pharmaceuticals, Inc. from North Carolina, US. It is common to find that a privacy service has been used to hide the owner’s details so this is an indication of a safe online pharmacy.


Business Details

a genuine contactThe site tells us that it is operated by Sprout Pharmaceuticals Inc. but they don’t provide an address for the business. A search for this business gives us an address in North Carolina, USA.

The business was purchased in 2015 by Valeant Pharmaceuticals at a cost of $1 billion. Following far worse sales than expected of Addyi, the business was sold back to the original owners for significantly less than it was purchased for.


Medication Offered

This store is only selling one product and that is Addyi. The active ingredient of this pill is flibanserin and it is required to be prescribed for use. This drug is designed to improve female sexual health and studies have shown improvements in women’s symptoms within two months of taking this treatment.

improve female health


Regulatory Approvals

This drug won FDA approval for use in the US in 2015. The approval was based on a 24-week study which was a randomized double-blind trial. The trial found a statistically significant improvement in the participants reported levels of desire.

approved by FDA

The study into the effectiveness of this drug does highlight some side effects experienced by patients. This has included:

  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • fatigue
  • low blood pressure

Additionally, it was found that consuming alcohol while taking the treatment could cause an issue. An increased risk of fainting or severely lowered blood pressure could occur after drinking alcohol. Bearing in mind that this treatment is required to be taken every day for it to work, that will be considered a major problem form many women.


Prescription Requirement

You will need a consultation with a doctor and be prescribed in order to purchase these drugs. They offer an online consultation service through Firefly XD Inc. which is charged at $49. You can get a prescription through any doctor and provide it to the store, however.


Special Offer

When ordering from this store they will give you the first two months supply for free. After that they charge $25 per month if you are covered by insurance, if not it will be no more than $99 per month.


Payment and Shipping

This store does allow for the purchase of their pills through your insurance if you have coverage. If you don’t have coverage or require copays they accept all major credit cards.

Shipping is free and they only dispatch to addresses in the USA. Reviews

When looking to find reviews from previous customers of this online pharmacy, we have only been able to find comments about the drug itself. Despite the FDA approval for this drug, most of the feedback we have found from women that have been on this pill is very negative.

mostly negative

Patients report that the side effects of the pills are more trouble than they are worth, with most very unhappy and not achieving the results expected. There are some very happy customers but more negative than good for this product.

positive words



This online pharmacy seems to be a safe and legit place to purchase the Addyi drug since it is operated by the creators and manufacturers of the treatment. A prescription is correctly required by the store and they give you easy access to an online consultation.

There is a potential problem with this drugstore, however. There does seem to be a lack of effectiveness experienced by many customers, though it does produce results for some.

We award the store 4 stars from possible 5.




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