QualityMedsToday.com Reviews – Low-Quality High-Risk

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QualityMedsToday.com is an online pill seller that claims they have everything you need. While the name of the pharmacy tells you it offers quality medication, is this really the case? We investigate this store and draw some worrying conclusions about the pills sold there.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2018-08-03
Owner Countryunknown
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameQuality Shop Online
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionno

Domain Name Information

Revealed in the domain name database is the fact that this online pharmacy is very new. It was only registered last year and domain names which are more recent are far more likely to be a scam, than website addresses which have been used for decades.

1 year old

Something else that we don’t like to find in the domain name record, is the revelation that the real contact information is hidden. The owner of this store has chosen to use a privacy service to make sure their real contact details and name can’t be traced.


Business Contact Details

a phone number and an emailReliable businesses are happy to provide their business name and location. The owner of this store, however, wants to remain hidden. They don’t post their business name or address anywhere on the site’s pages. This is understandably a common problem found with scam online pharmacies.

If you need to contact the business they provide an online form, email address or phone number. The phone number is for the US but this doesn’t mean that the owner of this store is actually in the United States. Phone numbers can be acquired for many different countries, without the need for you to be based in that area.


Regulatory Approval

For an online pharmacy business to be operated legally in most countries, there has to be some adherence to the law and the rules put in place to keep customers safe. This online drugstore shows no evidence of having any regulatory approval to be running this business within the law.

Support for this opinion comes from LegitScript. They have reviewed this store and drawn the conclusion that the law is being broken by this business. They award the rating of ‘rogue’ to this online pharmacy which is what is normally found with scam drugstores.

status: rogue


Medication Available

This store offers over 500 different drugs. The best sellers on the site, however, are some of the most well-known and misused drugs on the market. This includes opioids, sleeping pills and anxiety treatment drugs.

anxiety, pain and muscle relaxant, sleep-insomnia, weight loss, narcolepsy, men's health

These pills are sold without any requirement for you to provide a valid prescription. This is not only a risk to your health but also highlights how dubious this pharmacy really is.

Another issue with the drugs sold is that they give no indication as to where they are dispatched from or even if they are selling generic or brand name medication. They are quite happy to use brand names to sell the drugs but it isn’t clear if genuine brand name pills are really offered.

There are a lot of counterfeit drugs available online and we have no confidence that the pills sold by this store are not fake.


Payment and Shipping

The checkout page for this online pharmacy is secured with a valid SSL certificate. You can pay for pills from this store using:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Bitcoin,
  • Western Union
  • MoneyGram

They will apparently send you up to 10 extra pills when paying with Mastercard. If you pay with either Bitcoin, Western Union or MoneyGram they will send up to 30 extra pills for free depending on the quantities you have ordered.

Shipping will cost $38 and you can expect delivery in 10 to 14 business days. This is quite a long delivery time for such an expensive shipping cost. They also try to add a shipping insurance charge to your order of $7.92. Shipping insurance is really something which should be included in the service provided by the pharmacy and not an additional extra.


QualityMedsToday.com Reviews

There isn’t a testimonial page on the site, and QualityMedsToday.com reviews cannot be found on independent review sites either. Had there have been a testimonial page it would have likely been full of fake customer feedback. A store as new as this one is unlikely to have any genuine customer feedback posted anywhere.



This online drugstore hasn’t been around for very long and doesn’t have many plus points to recommend its use.

They have no regulation and we have no idea who is behind this store. They are selling pills which should be prescribed by a doctor without the need for a prescription.

We have very serious doubts about the quality of the drugs on offer as well. It is for these reasons, that we give this online drugstore 2 stars out of 5.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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