Reviews – Total Deception

common view has the appearance of an online Canadian pharmacy offering the highest quality drugs at the lowest prices. Can this business be trusted and are they really all they’re cracked up to be? Our investigation looks into the background of this drugstore, revealing some worrying issues.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2014-10-13
Owner CountryCanada
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameFill Rx Plus
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: rogue
Customer Support
Toll-NumberUS: +1-800-715-5341
UK: +44-20-3318-5981
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Products and Prices

Bestsellers on the site are mostly male enhancement pills, but there are many other types of drugs on offer. They offer branded pills as well as the cheaper generic versions. All the drugs are manufactured in India, which leaves us wondering if the branded pills are actually genuine or counterfeit versions.


The prices on offer seem quite good, though not the cheapest we’ve seen. They do give away free supposedly brand name pills with every order.


Regulatory Accreditation

Part of the logo for the site contains the Canadian flag and it is clear we’re meant to assume this is a Canadian business. As such there are some associations you would expect them to be members of. Namely, CIPA and These industry associations hold their members to high standards of customer privacy, financial security and require a Canadian dispensing pharmacy.


Fill Rx Plus doesn’t have membership in these associations, which could leave you vulnerable to credit card scams, misuse of your personal data or receiving pills with incorrect active ingredients.

These problems seem compounded when checking Legit Script. They classify this online pharmacy as a rogue operation and not to be trusted. They identify the problem as being a violation of applicable laws for the jurisdiction the site operates in.


Who is Behind

This site may claim to be a Canadian business but it is rather hard to pin down exactly where they are really located. We can’t be sure what the business name is, and the address isn’t featured on the site. The drugs are manufactured and dispatched from India and the owners may be based in Turkey but it is impossible to know for sure.

low trust


Domain Name Information

The domain was registered nearly 4 years ago, which rather goes against their claim of operating this site for seven years. They are using a privacy protection service to keep the owner’s details out of public records.

date and contacts


Security Issues

This website claims the highest levels of security, but how can you trust a company that is hiding their business information. They could be doing anything with your data or credit card information and there would be no legal ramifications for them since they are anonymous.

When completing an order you transfer to a different site, fortunately, this is secure, unlike the main site. Your personal details may still be at risk as the main store doesn’t have the security certificates it really should.


Payment and Shipping

You can pay for your pills using credit cards or E-Checks. They say they have a money back guarantee and that you can count on their reliability, but you’re far better off not risking your money with this site.

Shipping options include airmail and courier. Airmail can take 2 to 3 weeks and costs $14.95. Courier delivery takes 5 to 7 business days costing $24.95. Spend over $200 and you get the gift of free airmail shipping, a $300 order provides free courier delivery instead. Reviews

Testimonial pages exist to try to convince you that the business can be trusted to provide the service they offer. This is particularly important when the service being sold is that of dispensing drugs. If there’s a problem with the pills you’re taking, you could face very serious health repercussions.

copied on the internet

The testimonial page for reviews features 17 positive customer reports. Scam pill sellers frequently post fake customer reviews and this is true with Fill Rx Plus. The testimonial page is actually a copy of others. A search using part of one of the reviews reveals the deception.


Conclusion has all the characteristics of a scam website. Fake reviews, lack of ownership transparency and dubious security. They claim to have been in business for over seven years, yet the domain name was only registered four years ago. They really do seem willing to lie about anything in order to make you trust them and win a sale from you. We give this pharmacy just 1-star out of a possible five. Our advice is clear, you should really avoid this store for your medical needs.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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