Reviews – Safety Concerns

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In the digital age, online pharmacies like have emerged as convenient alternatives for obtaining prescription medications. While these platforms can offer significant savings and ease of access, it’s crucial to evaluate their legitimacy and safety. This review delves into, scrutinizing its services, product quality, and customer support. As consumers navigate the world of online pharmaceuticals, such assessments are vital for making informed decisions.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2022-05-05
Owner CountryIndia
Contact Informationno
Business Information
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the database
Customer Support
Courier Mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionno

Domain Information

Evaluating the domain details of is a key step in assessing its credibility. This online pharmacy’s domain was established on 05-05-2022, with its most recent update on 04-05-2023, and is due to expire on 05-05-2024, pending renewal.

registered in 2022

The domain’s registration traces back to India, a detail that may raise questions about its authenticity. The registrant is listed as an individual, Ricky, with Ricky Sawlani being the named owner. Such information is essential in understanding the origins and operational basis of, contributing to a thorough review of its legitimacy.

  • Domain registered on: 05-05-2022
  • Address provided: India
  • Phone number: +91.9702174449


Business Profile

The business profile of presents several red flags. This online pharmacy holds a low TrustScore of 0/100 on, indicating potential risks. Additionally, the absence of customer reviews on adds to the concerns.

red flags

While appears to be based in India, there is uncertainty regarding its compliance with FDA regulations, a crucial factor for pharmacies operating online.

A lack of physical address or clear business details further cast doubt on its legitimacy and transparency. These aspects are critical in evaluating the trustworthiness of

  • Organization name: No
  • Address provided: No
  • Phone number: +13233252555


Regulatory Approvals 

The regulatory status of raises concerns regarding its legitimacy. Notably, is not recognized as a member of CIPA, a key accrediting body for online pharmacies. Additionally, a search in the NABP database yields no results for this site, indicating a lack of endorsement from this respected authority.


Further compounding these issues, also lacks approval from, a service known for verifying the credibility of healthcare-related websites. Such absent endorsements are critical in assessing the trustworthiness and safety of online pharmacies like


Available Products and Pricing offers a range of pharmaceutical products, including anti-bacterial and anti-fungal medications, skin care creams, organic handmade soaps, and medicines for men’s and women’s health. The website categorizes these products, with each category displaying individual pricing. However, a notable concern is that several products are listed without accompanying images.

men's health category

This lack of visual representation could be a point of hesitation for potential buyers seeking to verify product authenticity. The absence of images, coupled with the range of products offered, is a crucial aspect to consider when evaluating the reliability and user-friendliness of’s online platform.


Payment and Shipping Methods’s approach to payment and shipping remains ambiguous, as the site fails to explicitly detail its accepted payment methods. This lack of clarity could be a concern for customers seeking secure transaction options. Similarly, the website does not clearly outline its shipping methods, leaving potential buyers in the dark about the logistics of delivery.

However, does feature an order tracking page, suggesting some level of order management. Additionally, the site promises a guarantee on orders that either fail to arrive within 30 business days or are damaged in transit, offering a degree of assurance to customers regarding their purchases. Reviews

The presence of customer feedback is a crucial indicator of an online pharmacy’s reliability, and in the case of, this aspect is notably lacking. The absence of customer reviews on prominent platforms such as raises questions about the site’s credibility and customer satisfaction levels.

not found

Typically, online pharmacies encourage customer reviews to showcase their service quality and customer experiences. However, the lack of such testimonials for might suggest either a limited customer base or a lack of confidence in their services, which are important considerations for potential customers evaluating the trustworthiness of this online pharmacy.


Conclusion presents several concerns that potential customers should consider. The lack of regulatory approvals, unclear business profile, ambiguous payment and shipping details, and the absence of customer reviews on reputable platforms like collectively contribute to doubts about its legitimacy. The site needs to be more specific to crucial aspects of online pharmacy services, such as product imagery and transaction security, further exacerbating these concerns.

Caution is advised for those considering using for their pharmaceutical needs. We can give this pharmacy only 1 out of 5 stars.


There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>


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