EDpills247.com Reviews – Fake Regulatory Seals

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EDpills247.com is an online pharmacy which claims to be trusted by half-a-million satisfied customers. They have a large number of very positive customer feedback and many regulatory seals. We check the details of this store, finding many very obvious and concerning problems with this pharmacy.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2019-03-13
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the base
Customer Support
Courier mailyes
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionno

Domain Name Information

The details of the registration show that this domain is very new. Stores which are using very recent domain names are more likely to be a scam because they have no history of successful operation.

registered some weeks ago

We also discover that a privacy service has been employed to make sure that the real details of ownership are hidden. This is another factor which we normally see with scam online drugstores.


Business Contact Details

When looking for the details of the business which runs this online pharmacy, we can find no information on either the contact page or the about us page. This lack of information suggests that there isn’t a reputable business behind this store.


Regulatory Approval

This store has a number of regulatory seals in the bottom section of their site. There is something very clearly wrong with these seals, however. They have been miniaturized and it is difficult to tell what some of them are.

too small and fake

They have an FDA logo, a CPA approved seal, an American Quality logo, a certificate which you can’t read and a seal from Pharmacy Checker.

The Pharmacy Checker seal should link through to their site so that you can check that the pharmacy store is a valid member. It doesn’t do that, so it is unlikely to be genuine. When we check this we are unable to find any mention of this pharmacy with the association.

The other logos and seals appear to be used fraudulently as well. If they were genuinely allowed to use these approval marks they wouldn’t shrink them down, and you would be able to click on them to check they are valid.


Medication Available

This drugstore appears to offer a fairly good variety of drugs, both brand name pills and generics are offered. As the name of the store would suggest, their bestsellers are men’s health pills.

 viagra, cialis and levitra

The prices we see here are very cheap. This suggests that the quality of the pills isn’t going to be very good. They are selling generic drugs using the brand name as well, which confuses the customer into thinking that they are getting a better deal than they really are.

This is a practice which is common with scam pharmacies and can point to an increased likelihood of fake and counterfeit medication being sold. Fake pills are a health risk and something you should avoid.


Free Pills

This store gives away 4 free men’s health pills with every order. While this may seem like a great deal, there are a few problems with this giveaway, however.4 pills to your order

The first problem is that these pills are available to everyone who makes a purchase regardless of whether they are suitable or not.

They also don’t require a prescription for these pills, which do need to be prescribed in most parts to the world. Along with this, if they are able to give away medication like this, it suggests that the products they offer are of very low-quality and possibly fake or counterfeit.


Payment and Shipping

When you go through the checkout you are diverted to a different site which has an SSL security certificate which is the minimum level of customer protection.

Payment is taken by:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • E-check
  • Bitcoin

This store offers two delivery options. There is airmail at a cost of $10 and courier delivery which costs $30. Airmail shipping is expected to take 14 to 21 business days. Courier shipping includes a tracking number and should take 5 to 9 business days.


EDpills247.com Reviews

As we have previously shown, this website is very new and as such, it would be very surprising to find many EDpills247.com reviews if any at all. However, this brand new store has a suspiciously full page of customer testimonials.

copied from other sites

There are perhaps a hundred customer comments on this page, the oldest of which dates back to 2015. This is a bit of a problem for a store which has only existed from 2019.

back to 2015

The comments on this page are all good, with ratings of 4 or 5 stars. Though none of this matters if the feedback is fake, which it clearly must be.



There is clearly a lot of things wrong with this online pharmacy. They have fake regulatory approvals, fake customer feedback and the drugs they offer could be fake too.

Don’t put your life in the hands of these scammers. We give this store just 1 star out of five.




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