Dosing Errors in Children: Hidden Dangers of Over-the-Counter Medications

common view

Medication errors, particularly those involving children and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, present a significant healthcare challenge. Such errors, often overlooked or underestimated, can have serious, sometimes life-threatening, consequences. A study highlights that children under six in the United States face medication errors approximately every eight minutes​​. This startling statistic underscores the urgent need for increased awareness and preventive measures.

The risks associated with incorrect dosing of OTC medications are diverse and substantial. They range from adverse drug reactions, which can be severe, to the ineffectiveness of the drug due to under-dosing. The complexity of these risks is amplified in pediatric patients due to their unique pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles, which differ significantly from adults. Furthermore, the majority of these errors involve common medications like cough and cold remedies, making the issue highly relevant to a vast number of households​​.

Addressing the issue of dosing errors in children’s medications is not just a matter of improving individual health outcomes. It is a critical step towards enhancing overall pediatric health care and safeguarding our children’s health and wellbeing. This article seeks to highlight the hidden dangers of OTC medications when used incorrectly, aiming to inform and empower parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals alike.


Understanding Common Dosing Errors

Understanding and addressing common dosing errors, especially in the realm of over-the-counter (OTC) medications for children, is crucial for ensuring their safety and health. These errors predominantly arise from misunderstandings or miscalculations in dosage, particularly when dealing with liquid medications.

dosing errorsLiquid medications present unique challenges, as they require precise measurements which can be easily misjudged. A key issue is the use of inappropriate measuring tools, such as household spoons, which vary greatly in size and often lead to incorrect dosages. Research indicates that nearly half of medication errors in children involve those between 2 and 6 years old, with a significant portion due to incorrect dosing of liquid medications​​.

A common mistake is misunderstanding the dosing instructions, often due to complex or unclear labeling. This confusion can lead to administering either too much or too little medication. For example, confusing teaspoons with tablespoons can result in a dose that is three times the intended amount. The repercussions of such errors vary, from diminished effectiveness of the medication to potentially dangerous overdoses.

The gravity of this issue is highlighted by statistics revealing that a child under six years of age is subject to medication errors every eight minutes in the United States​​. These errors are not just limited to wrong dosages but also include giving the wrong medication or administering a medication at the wrong time.

Such mistakes are not confined to home settings. They also occur in healthcare facilities, albeit less frequently. Miscommunication between caregivers and healthcare professionals can exacerbate this issue, leading to repeated or conflicting doses.

cough and cold treatmentMedication errors involving cough and cold medications (CCMs) are particularly concerning. A study spanning 2009 to 2016 found that out of 4756 cases involving significant adverse events related to OTC CCMs, 513 were due to medication errors. The most common errors involved the wrong dose, predominantly affecting children under six years old. Diphenhydramine and dextromethorphan were the most frequent culprits in these dosing errors​​.

Educational initiatives focusing on proper medication administration techniques and clearer labeling are essential in reducing these errors. Moreover, standardization of measuring devices and dosing instructions can play a significant role in mitigating this issue.

Specifically, the common dosing errors involving OTC medications in children, especially liquid forms, are a significant concern. The frequency and severity of these errors underscore the need for increased vigilance, better education for caregivers, and improvements in medication labeling and measuring devices. Addressing these factors is critical to ensure the safety and well-being of children when administering OTC medications.


Dangers of Incorrect Dosages

Incorrect dosages of over-the-counter (OTC) medications in children can lead to a spectrum of health consequences, ranging from mild to severe. These effects are amplified due to the physiological vulnerabilities of children compared to adults, making accurate dosing paramount.



Adverse Reactions and Overdosing

One of the most immediate and dangerous consequences of incorrect dosages is the risk of adverse drug reactions or overdosing. For instance, excessive doses of acetaminophen, a common pain reliever and fever reducer, can cause liver damage. In severe cases, this can lead to liver failure, a potentially fatal condition. Similarly, overdosing on cough and cold medications like dextromethorphan can result in severe side effects, including rapid heart rate, dizziness, and in extreme cases, brain damage or death.



On the other side of the spectrum, under-dosing can be equally harmful. It may lead to the ineffectiveness of the medication, prolonging the illness or condition it was meant to treat. This is particularly critical in medications like antihistamines or decongestants used in allergy and cold treatments. Inadequate doses might not provide the necessary relief, leading to prolonged symptoms and discomfort.

a child seeing a doctor


Long-term Health Issues

Beyond the immediate effects, incorrect dosing can contribute to longer-term health issues. For example, consistent under-dosing of medications over time can lead to chronic under-treatment of conditions, potentially exacerbating them. Conversely, repeated overdosing, even if not immediately harmful, can lead to long-term health complications, depending on the medication involved.


Specific Dangers of Common Medications

  • Acetaminophen: Overdosing can cause liver damage.
  • Ibuprofen: Excessive doses might lead to gastrointestinal bleeding or kidney damage.
  • Cough and Cold Medications (e.g., Dextromethorphan): Overdosing can cause severe neurological effects, including hallucinations and loss of motor control.

These examples underscore the critical importance of adhering to correct dosing guidelines for OTC medications in children. It’s essential for caregivers to understand these risks to ensure the safe and effective use of these common household medications.



Causes of Dosing Errors

Dosing errors in pediatric medication, particularly with over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, can arise from various factors. These mistakes often stem from miscommunication, misunderstanding of instructions, and the use of non-standardized measuring devices. Understanding these factors is crucial in preventing such errors and ensuring the safe administration of medications to children.


Miscommunication and Misunderstanding of Instructions

One of the primary causes of dosing errors is the miscommunication between healthcare providers and caregivers or parents. This often occurs when instructions are not clearly explained or understood. For example, healthcare professionals might use medical jargon or unclear language, leading to confusion about the correct dosage. Additionally, written instructions on medication labels can be complex or ambiguous, making them difficult for caregivers to interpret accurately.

a reading woman


Use of Non-Standardized Measuring Devices

Another significant contributor to dosing errors is the use of non-standardized measuring tools, such as household spoons, which can vary greatly in size. A study found that nearly all medication errors involving children under six years old were due to the wrong volume of liquid medication being administered​​. The lack of uniformity in measuring devices can lead to significant discrepancies in the amount of medication given, resulting in either overdosing or under-dosing.


Role of Caregivers and Parents

Caregivers and parents play a pivotal role in medication administration. Errors can occur due to a lack of knowledge or awareness about the correct dosing procedures. In some cases, caregivers might mistakenly believe that a higher dose of medication will be more effective, leading to intentional overdosing. Conversely, cautious parents may under-dose, fearing potential side effects.


To mitigate these issues, clear communication between healthcare providers and caregivers is essential. Additionally, educational initiatives focused on proper medication administration and the importance of using standardized measuring devices can significantly reduce the occurrence of dosing errors. It is vital for parents and caregivers to be well-informed and vigilant when administering OTC medications to children.


Preventing Medication Mistakes

Preventing medication mistakes should be a top priority for caregivers and parents and they should adhere to several practical strategies. First, always use proper measuring devices, such as syringes or cups provided with the medication, instead of household spoons. This ensures accuracy in dosage. Secondly, double-check dosages and instructions. Read labels carefully and if there’s any doubt, consult a healthcare professional. Understanding medication labels is critical, so take the time to familiarize yourself with the terms and instructions.

Finally, maintaining awareness and education about the safe administration of medications is key. These proactive steps significantly reduce the risk of dosing errors, safeguarding children’s health.


Role of Healthcare Professionals in Preventing Medication Mistakes

Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in mitigating dosing errors in pediatric medication. They can significantly contribute to reducing these errors through clearer communication and by providing explicit dosing instructions. It is essential for healthcare providers to convey medication information in a clear, concise, and understandable manner, avoiding medical jargon that might confuse parents or caregivers.


Additionally, they can ensure that dosing instructions are straightforward and verify that the caregiver comprehends these directions properly. Healthcare professionals can also advise on the use of standardized measuring tools and offer guidance on reading and understanding medication labels. By engaging in these practices, healthcare providers can help ensure the safe and effective use of medications in children.



Dosing errors in children’s medications, particularly over-the-counter drugs, pose significant risks. Awareness and understanding of these risks are crucial for parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. By adopting correct dosing practices, using standardized measuring tools, and ensuring clear communication, these errors can be greatly reduced. Vigilance in medication administration is key to safeguarding the health and well-being of children, making it a shared responsibility of all involved in their care.

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