DivvyDose.com Reviews – Missing Feedback

web interface

DivvyDose.com is a US-based pharmacy business which provides a service which isn’t normally found on other sites. They deliver meds to you in pre-sorted packets, which makes keeping up to date with your pills simple. We take a look at this drugstore to find out if they are really a safe place to rely on for your medical needs.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2014-11-02
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameDivvy Dose
Phone Numbersyes
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: legitimate
Customer Support
Track Numberyes
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

Information found in the domain name database related to this site shows us that the name was registered in 2014. Registration of fewer than five years, like this one, could point to an increased risk that this store isn’t as reliable as you might hope for.

registered in 2014

There is only a small amount of information about the owner of the domain in the database. We can only see that it was registered by a business in Illinois, USA.


Business Profile

When looking for an operating address for this pharmacy we don’t find any details on the site itself. Despite this lack of transparency, they do give details about the management team operating this store. This information includes the photos and bios of the top guys in the organization.


According to other online sources, the business is based in Rock Island, Illinois and has an estimated annual revenue of $3.4 million. The business has been in operation since 2014 and these details confirm the information already shown in the domain name records.


Regulatory Approvals

This pharmacy is based in the US and because of this, they need to be following the rules set out by NABP. The National Boards of Pharmacy have a program called VIPPS which is used to make sure that online drugstores operate in a safe manner for their customers.

This site shows a seal on their site for this program and when we check we can see that they are indeed part of the program.

valid accreditation

Looking to LegitScript shows that this pharmacy is considered to be a legit pharmacy website. They give the drugstore their highest rating and this shows that the site is safe to use.

status: legitimate


Services Offered

The main idea behind this site is to make taking your meds easier by divvying up your pills into individual packets. The packets have the date and time on them for when you need to take them and contain all of the pills you need to take. They come in a box and you just take the next packet at the appropriate time.

They provide prescription meds as well as some over the counter pills in this way. They have an app to make taking your drugs and getting refills more straightforward.


Happiness Guarantee

This store provides more of an incentive than most online pharmacies to move your business to them. They say that if you aren’t completely happy with the service you receive from them, they will refund double your out of pocket expenses for the first 30 days of your order.


Payment and Shipping

This online pharmacy accepts most major insurance schemes. They also accept credit cards for co-pays.

Shipping is free and they use UPS to make sure your meds arrive when they are expected. They only dispatch pills to US postal addresses and operate in every state with the exception of Maryland.


DivvyDose.com Reviews

It has been quite difficult to find many DivvyDose.com reviews online. The pharmacy has a section on one of their pages which is slightly misnamed “Testimonials”, as only a single customer comment is found there.

happy customer

The post from a customer in Iowa seems to be genuine and the person seems to be very happy with the service from the drugstore. Since this store has been around for over four years you would expect to find more customer testimonials than this. This is a slight concern and leaves us with some question marks about the business and if it is really as good as it appears.



This online pharmacy is operating in accordance with the rules and laws for a drugstore business in the US. They offer a service which makes things easier for the patient making sure that there aren’t mix-ups with the taking of the meds and likely ensuring a greater adherence to the doctor’s prescription orders.

For a business which has been around for a few years, it is somewhat disappointing and surprising to find that they have so few customer testimonials, however.

We have drawn the conclusion that an award of 4 stars out of a maximum of 5 is appropriate for this drugstore.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

6 thoughts on “DivvyDose.com Reviews – Missing Feedback

  1. I for one would give a double thumbs down to Divvydose. They screwed up my dosages, then my refills never arrived. If I hear one more time how ‘frustrating’ this must be, I will crawl through the airwaves and strangle someone. It’s not frustrating, it’s deadly! All the reviews I have read just keeps talking about how much fun the job is… Maybe, just maybe, this is NOT a job for children that want to play instead of work?

  2. I signed my Mother in law up for DivvyDose around 2016. We kept them for a few years but were eventually booted from their service because she was taking too few medications.

    My biggest complaint is how and to whom they sold my phone number. Using DiviDose was the only time i ever connected my phone number to my Mother-in-law. The Only Time.
    After i signed up for her I slowly started getting calls for social security benefits like free knee and back braces, dna tests, and insurance. Then the scammers started. She has passed away and I am still getting people trying to phish claiming relatives in jail and all such evil scams.

  3. I tried DivvyDose for a few months and while the concept is very good, the same cannot be said for the execution and reality of the service provided. When I was marketed this service, I was assured that if a prescription was discontinued by my doctor, that the doctor communicates directly with DD and will automatically be discontinued. This is CERTAINLY not the case. I was sent and billed for medication that was discontinued and I have absolutely no use for. When I contacted the company on 4 separate occasions and spoke with various agents, I was told that I would have to eat the coast of this expensive medication that I have no use for and there was nothing they could do. I told them that had the company functioned the way it was explained to me, this would not have happened or if I went directly to a pharmacy that I simply woudnt have had to worry about the medication being sent to me in error and getting stuck with the bill and was told that there was nothing that could be done and I would be billed for the useless medication. I immediately discontinued my other prescriptions. I would never use this service again and would caution anyone else that is considering using this service to be very cautious of the company. Every time I called, the hold time was no less than 20 mins and when you opt to be called back it never happens, so you will have to call back and wait until someone answers the phone. The positive thing is that the employees that are in customer service are very nice.

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