Reviews – Low-Income Support

pharmacy interface is a US pharmacy operation which promotes its integrity in business and the respect they have for their customers. They say that they will work hard to improve the lives of their customers, treating them like they are members of their family. We review this business to discover if it is somewhere which you should consider for your pharmaceutical needs.

About Domain Name
Registration Date2014-04-04
Owner CountryUS
Contact Informationyes
Business Information
NameAmerican Specialty Pharmacy, Inc.
Phone Numbersno
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptstatus: legitimate
Customer Support
Courier Mailno
Track Numberno
Free Shipping Optionyes

Domain Name Information

The details of the registration of this website address can be found in the Whois database, and it shows us that this address was created in 2014. Pharmacies with older domain names normally indicate a more legit business is behind the operation so 5 years of operation isn’t perfect.

registered in 2014

The database entry can also provide some information about the owner of the site. In this case, we can see that the registrant contact is ASP Cares based in Texas, USA. This is the sort of thing we would expect to find from a safe and reliable business.


Business Profile

This business is operated by American Specialty Pharmacy, Inc. doing business as ASP Cares. They are based in San Antonio, Texas and operate 23 retail pharmacy stores. Most of these pharmacy store locations are in Texas but there are others across the US.



Regulatory Approvals

This online pharmacy is in the US and therefore needs to be regulated by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. The NABP has a program especially for online drugstores to make sure that they are operating in a safe and reliable way to keep their customers healthy. This program is called VIPPS.

When we check with the VIPPS database we do find that they are accredited as they should be to be legal in the USA.


Taking a look at the findings of LegitScript supports our discovery that this pharmacy business is working in accordance with the law in the US. They are given the rating of legitimate confirming that the VIPPS accreditation is genuine.



Services Offered

This drugstore specializes in many different treatment areas, these include:

  • Hemophilia
  • Oncology
  • Pain management
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Wound Care
  • Rheumatology
  • Addiction management

This pharmacy works to create a management plan for their customers to try to improve the outcome of health. They individualize this plan based on the specific needs of the patient and ensure that care can be provided as quickly as possible. They also offer customers the ability to shop for supplements from their site.


Payment and Shipping

They accept most health insurance plans and offer financial assistance to low-income customers which are under-insured or lacking insurance. They will take payments using credit cards and the site’s pages are secure.

Shipping is free across America. They don’t supply medication to addresses outside US territories. Reviews

Finding lots of great customer feedback is naturally going to make you more likely to feel safe making a purchase on a pharmacy store. This knowledge is the reason why stores often post customer feedback to their sites, it is also the reason why fake testimonials are created.

When we check for reviews, we find that there is a small number of comments posted to the store’s pages. These testimonials are found on most pages of the store, are highly positive of the business as you would expect and seem to be from genuine customers.

positive comment

These comments praise the customer support and the professionalism of their staff. But it is normally better to locate customer feedback on independent sites. We can find some testimonials related to the individual store locations online on sites such as Yelp.

satisfied customer

The comments found on the independent sites are mostly positive, though there are some unhappy customers leaving low ratings as well. This feedback shows that their customers are mostly happy with the service provided by the pharmacy and that they provide medicine successfully to their customers.



This site is operated by a legit US pharmacy business which has the correct regulation for operating in the areas which they do. They offer access to specialty meds for a range of different ailments and offer supplements as well.

There is a suggestion that the prices found on this pharmacy aren’t as competitive according to the information reported by some of their customers.

It is for these reasons, that we give the final rating of 4 stars to ASP Cares. They are a professional pharmacy business which may not be suitable for everyone.




There are also quite many online pharmacies on the net that have proved themselves to be excellent ones. We keep an eye on them as well. They get into our reviews from time to time, and you can see them on the pages of our site.

We have placed the best online pharmacies into a separate list on the Pharmacy Ratings page. Ratings of online pharmacies that have successfully passed verification and check by our team: Link>>>

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